Sunday, June 26, 2005

'Blog-cleaning' kinda like house cleaning only different

So I took down some of my links on the blog roll. I still have some cleaning to do.

I din't take th elinks down becuase I didn't *like* the bloggers anymore or they weren't 'linking' to me (hell you'd think we'd all move past the HIS hitrionics ya know, but....). I took them donw becuase either 1) the link was broken, or 2) I never visit and don't feel I should just link to 'anyones' blog unless I find it relevant or something I would enjoy reading myself.

That said I want to direct your attention to a new blog I stumbled across (mainly because somehow in my 'tracking' thingy someone was referred to my blog that way - don't know if it was blog jumping or what but I am thankful for fidning out about his blog). And in a lot of ways that is how I 'discover' new blogs - unless someone tells me about one or in my reading of other people's I come across a wonderful blog. ANd this blog I 'found' is just that - wonderful.

The blog I am refering to is English, August blogspot - the writing on this blog is incredible, lyrical, poetic. I am at once hypnotized and mesmerized as well as somewhat taken by his ability to arouse certain 'feelings' in me...check it out for yourself. I for one am looking forward to continued reading...


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