Coffeeshop in Seattle turns off WiFi on Weekends
Wi-Fi Networking News Archives
My ears pricked up at the mention of this story on NPR (I will try to find the commentary to the 'Marketplace' story and try to post it tomorrow). I don't usually pay much attention to the financial stories on this show but it is on on my drive in and so every now and then I get tidbits of interest here and there.
I happen to agree with going slow on this WiFi thing in a place that's suppose to promote 'socializing' (yep like it's not hard enough for me to meet eligible men - now they will all have their heads in the lap-tops - or as I used to so delicately put it to my ex - 'they have their dicks stuck in their hard-drives').
In defense of one of the people I know who uses this technology, (Mr. Hess) - I will say that he would definitely hold up his end of the conversation even if he is 'jacked in' somewhere...
One of MY all-time biggest problems/complaints with the Internet is that it dehumanizes us and makes us anti-social (all those geeks hiding in their apartments in front of their glowing computer screens instead of being out and about - participating in the world...)
I just fear that if we now bring WiFi into places like coffeeshops and restaurants and cafes - that the 'art' of socializing will meet the same untimely end as the art of writing letters....and I for one would like to see people talk to each other a little more (face-to-face).
Thoughts? Comments? Just curious.
My ears pricked up at the mention of this story on NPR (I will try to find the commentary to the 'Marketplace' story and try to post it tomorrow). I don't usually pay much attention to the financial stories on this show but it is on on my drive in and so every now and then I get tidbits of interest here and there.
I happen to agree with going slow on this WiFi thing in a place that's suppose to promote 'socializing' (yep like it's not hard enough for me to meet eligible men - now they will all have their heads in the lap-tops - or as I used to so delicately put it to my ex - 'they have their dicks stuck in their hard-drives').
In defense of one of the people I know who uses this technology, (Mr. Hess) - I will say that he would definitely hold up his end of the conversation even if he is 'jacked in' somewhere...
One of MY all-time biggest problems/complaints with the Internet is that it dehumanizes us and makes us anti-social (all those geeks hiding in their apartments in front of their glowing computer screens instead of being out and about - participating in the world...)
I just fear that if we now bring WiFi into places like coffeeshops and restaurants and cafes - that the 'art' of socializing will meet the same untimely end as the art of writing letters....and I for one would like to see people talk to each other a little more (face-to-face).
Thoughts? Comments? Just curious.
Hi Colleen,
I think I agree with most of what you said.
I found it particularly interesting that you mentioned how the art of writing letters has sadly faded. I have always felt sad about that... we get emails now that we easily delete...
In the "olden days" of letter writing, people had something solid and beautiful to hold on to from their loved ones - for years - to cherish.
These days we just don't have that. What are we supposed to keep that helps us remember loved ones and our past? Not much.
Sorry, I'm just babbeling.... but anyway...
On the other side of the coin - of what you are saying about the internet cutting off more social opportunities -
Think of it this way... you have the opportunity to connect with, and write to, many people that you would have never met without the use of the internet.
It does have it's good side too.
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