Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Cause and affect universe

I got a chance to watch 'Alice's Restaurant' last nite. My Goddess how young Arlo looked and all that mischievousness glowing in his eyes - what a trip...

Then today I received a 'thank you' note from none other than the great steel guitarist, Mr. Gordon Titcomb (who was performing as well with Arlo):

Hio Colette,

I just saw on the internet that you mentioned me in
your blog.

Thank nice!

I tend to have very warm feelings for an audience when
we perform, so it's nice to know that somehow we have
actually connected with people.

Be happy, be well!!

Best regards,
-Gordon Titcomb

I was absolutely amazed by his taking the time to do this.

Part of the problem I have with people who 'make it big' is that they become too big for their britches - they lose sight of who put them their in the first place - and forget about their fans....I take issue with this - I understand it's a big world and yes there are stalkers out there but you know what - you need to respect your fans and let them know you appreciate them because if no one buys your records, or the tickets or come see you play (whether it be music or sports or whatever) - well then you don't make the money you need to eat etc. - and do you REALLY have another 'career' to fall back on? Perhaps, but stop EXPECTING it and stop being so fucking arrogant - we are all people and you are no better than me or anyone else - we all put on our pants one leg at a time, eh?

It's a give and take - but you can bet you sweet bippy (younger readers just press on I won't explain what a 'bippy' is), that I am going to post Mr. Titcomb's link and give him support because of this one act (and well the fact he's a great musician too).

Just my 2 cents....

You can find Mr. Titcomb's website HERE

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