Pennies for your thoughts - millions for your oil
So...on my way into work I listen to NPR most mornings - only because I am really just waking up (scary how many of us drive to work that way isn't it?) and I like my news spoon-fed to me that early...
Lately, they keep mentioning that one of the reasons why oil prices are so high is demand (no, I am not an economist but part of my feeble brains does remember supply and demand). So the issue seems to be that China and India are gobbling up oil in record amounts. My take on this (if I may be so bold as to point something out), is that the population of these Asian countries is just going to keep growing! I mean do we really think they are going to stop needed oil??? As is the USA, in fact, the entire planet is just going to keep getting bigger and we are going to need more food, more energy, we are going to continue to squander natural resources (because humans as a rule seem to be kind of greedy) and we are going to keep polluting a planet that does not really belong to us (do you really think you *OWN* the land your house sits on, really???? Silly person.
So what's a population to do? Well for one thing we could all take stock of our usage - I mean we buy energy-saving devices all the time  why canÂt we be more cognizant of the energy we waste? Why aren't we trying harder to force our collective governments to come up with alternatives to oil? Is it because they have the big car companies in their back pockets? Is it because we aren't as powerful as the oil company lobbyists, or is it because we are too stupid and lazy to really do anything. Think about this for a moment. The oil is going to run out someday (probably sooner than we think). What will we do then? If you go to Europe, people take public transport, or they bike or they walk. If they have a car they are generally (unless they are well-to-do) little cars (similar to ones seen as clown cars used by Ringling Bros. Circus). I was talking to the lady at my local supermarket about gas prices and Americans aversion to public transport. She told me in Europe it was always easier to use public means of transportation (or ride a bike or walk) than it was to use a car. Problem #1 (at least I think) in this country seems to be with our ever-increasing waistlines - so heres a thought: we could kill two birds with one stone - walk more! Don't drive your car to the corner store; bike more; take the train more (cause you have to walk more to do that too). Heck maybe on one Saturday/Sunday we could all just agree to stay at home, or walk, or bike, and NOT USE OUR CARS, not gas up our tanks. Don't you think that would send a message? I do...
But I have said all of this before and no one really seems to care or be listening. We are all just going to keep on being greedy (humans) and not really giving a damn about anything other than ourselves. It's all really kind of sad when you think about it - but then how many of you out there use your brains? Perhaps it's the gas fumes...
Lately, they keep mentioning that one of the reasons why oil prices are so high is demand (no, I am not an economist but part of my feeble brains does remember supply and demand). So the issue seems to be that China and India are gobbling up oil in record amounts. My take on this (if I may be so bold as to point something out), is that the population of these Asian countries is just going to keep growing! I mean do we really think they are going to stop needed oil??? As is the USA, in fact, the entire planet is just going to keep getting bigger and we are going to need more food, more energy, we are going to continue to squander natural resources (because humans as a rule seem to be kind of greedy) and we are going to keep polluting a planet that does not really belong to us (do you really think you *OWN* the land your house sits on, really???? Silly person.
So what's a population to do? Well for one thing we could all take stock of our usage - I mean we buy energy-saving devices all the time  why canÂt we be more cognizant of the energy we waste? Why aren't we trying harder to force our collective governments to come up with alternatives to oil? Is it because they have the big car companies in their back pockets? Is it because we aren't as powerful as the oil company lobbyists, or is it because we are too stupid and lazy to really do anything. Think about this for a moment. The oil is going to run out someday (probably sooner than we think). What will we do then? If you go to Europe, people take public transport, or they bike or they walk. If they have a car they are generally (unless they are well-to-do) little cars (similar to ones seen as clown cars used by Ringling Bros. Circus). I was talking to the lady at my local supermarket about gas prices and Americans aversion to public transport. She told me in Europe it was always easier to use public means of transportation (or ride a bike or walk) than it was to use a car. Problem #1 (at least I think) in this country seems to be with our ever-increasing waistlines - so heres a thought: we could kill two birds with one stone - walk more! Don't drive your car to the corner store; bike more; take the train more (cause you have to walk more to do that too). Heck maybe on one Saturday/Sunday we could all just agree to stay at home, or walk, or bike, and NOT USE OUR CARS, not gas up our tanks. Don't you think that would send a message? I do...
But I have said all of this before and no one really seems to care or be listening. We are all just going to keep on being greedy (humans) and not really giving a damn about anything other than ourselves. It's all really kind of sad when you think about it - but then how many of you out there use your brains? Perhaps it's the gas fumes...
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