Saturday, August 20, 2005

To a certain bombsawaybaby...

My dear young woman....

If 'eyeblink friends' are all you deserve then that's all you are ever going to have.

You see, the fact is, you need to BE a good friend to have good friends - and we all know you are anything but...if all you ever do is go around stabbing other women/people in the back, then no offense - you are lucky to even be drawing breath if you ask me. If you lived in certain 'inner cities' you'd be dead by now...and you still stand a chance from how I can see your life progressing....drugs, sleeping around and sleeping with married men, etc. - sounds like a downward spiral to me - and of course the only one who can stop it is....well I guess that won't happen anytime soon - you are simply having too much 'fun' aren't you?

It's like the line Rod Steiger uses on Julie Christie's character in 'Dr. Zhivago'

"Because there's two kinds of women. There are two kinds of women and you, as we well know, are not the first kind. You, my dear, are a slut."

And I have to ask my dear - do sluts really have any *real* friends? My guess would be no...

*blink* *blink*


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