Thursday, September 29, 2005

Summer sings its swan song

It's the end of summer. I am sad to see it go - I was always a bit wistful when this time would come around, growing up as well...

I love the fall - with it's crisp days and cold night - but once again I face another dark season with no one to really keep me warm. Not sure what the universe is trying to tell me here.

I also enjoy winter - the solitude is good - but now it begins to fray me a bit around the edges and I feel more lonely. I wish I could just shake all of these feelings but I refuse to be put on drugs to ease melancholy because I feel it's part of life too. This is going to sound awful but I'd rather just kick the crap out of someone (cause yes the anger is here with me as well) - pretty nice coming from a woman claiming to be a pacifist, eh? But it's here and my level of being fed up is holding court currently - I mean with everything and everyone I encounter these days. I am just sick of all of the constant barrage of crap. Daily. It never seems to go away...from the political bullshit and morons in charge of this country, that I onced loved but now am thinking it's time to get out of here before it's too late; to the idiots I am forced to work with and serve; to the losers that are 'back in the saddle again' and trying to date at the same time I am....

I am not saying another human in my life as a love interest would ease this necessarily - but part of me thinks it might make it easier. Just to help take the edge off a little.


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