Thursday, October 13, 2005

Calling them out - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

Calling them out - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

I am so totally confused by all of this...are there any sports fans out there? Or at least ones who could expalin this to me without making my head spin?



Blogger David Lithman said...

This case can be rather confusing for the non baseball fan. When a batter swings and misses at a 3rd strike, he is out. He is ruled out unless the ball hits the dirt or the catcher does not catch the ball.

In this case, the ball did not hit the dirt. The umpire pointed at the batter and said "You're out!". The Angels ran off the field and that should have been it. For some reason, the batter felt like the catcher dropped the ball. Maybe he didn't hear the umpire call him out.

So the batter runs to first base like you would normally do when a catcher drops a called strike 3.

Why the umpire over turned his first ruling? I don't know. After watching the replay, the batter was clearly out. The Angels had a right to be angry at that call. The umpire blew it and should not have reversed his call.

For more of my comments on this subject visit

2:08 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Well it makes it a little more difficult because a) while the umpire called it a strike, he never said "you're out" and the batter, who is A CATCHER so notices these things, saw the other catcher toss the ball on the field so he took off running.

Cheesey, but true.

Sadder still was the same batter, in his role as catcher, interfere with a batter the next game and turn a double play into what should have been a penalty walk to first for the batter.

Neither was intentional on the players part, but bad umping.. or at least easier to see the human frailties of umping.

11:07 PM  

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