Sunday, November 13, 2005

Another weekend in Michigan

This weekend - we drove up to Michigan to be with my daughter for her 23rd birthday. The last time I went up there and came home I was 'stricken ill' after being exposed to 2 children who were sick - this weekend I decided I had a plan(knowing well in advance that the kids were sick AGAIN - it's weird it's like they have perpetual colds - I don't remember mine being sick all the time like this)- this time I armed myself with some Zicam and sucked on 'Coldeez' - we shall see...

It was a pleasant weekend for the most part. I vowed to spend most of it taking my daughter shopping and buying things only for her. We succeeded. The other part of course was spent with my gorgeous, adorable, sweet grandchildren (I promise pics soon gang) - they were a blast, sick or not. Of course spending time with little ones in the age of electronics means that a lot of the time is spent watching what will keep them entertained and is "G" rated. Such is the case with the films I am featuring in these last posts. I have never seen 'Finding Nemo', until now - what a great movie - I must watch it again, sans two little ones crowded in front of the T.V. - but it was great (especially the bit about the sharks in the AA meetings for not eating fish).

'A Charlie Brown Christmas' was always a fav of mine too - just not over and over and over again *grins* - however I am pleased that my grandson likes this classic.

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