The Cincinnati Post - Disney delicately pitches 'Narnia'
The Cincinnati Post - Disney delicately pitches 'Narnia'
Get out ye ole can-opener and open up another can of worms here on Dancing on Colette's Grave....(NOTE: The reason I even picked this to 'blog' about was because CNN had a video clip asking that age old question: 'Would Jesus go see Narnia?' - yes thanks ever so much CNN for that hard-hitting journalistic bent).
OK C.S. Lewis was obviously a very intelligent, thoughtful and SPIRITUAL man - he wrote a story that transcended the times (HIS TIMES) and we have it today as a treasure that many, many children have read.
While I am not opposed to 'labeling' things - again I have issues with everyone being up in arms ABOUT Christianity (yes I am guilty of it too). In other words part of the problem is THAT we make such a big deal out of these things.
Just like the stories I've been hearing here and there about people 'defending' their rights to have a nativity display or to even say the words Merry Christmas. You know what - let them! That's right I said let them! Who the fuck are they hurting and if some atheist or pagan or Kwanzaa nut is gonna get offended well they are the type of people who are gonna get offended regardless.
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
You're free to PRACTICE your religion - you are not allowed to shove it down other people's throats and that is what I think most people who are not rabid Christians get so upset about - however the Christians ARE allowed to practice their religion. There is just NOT a STATE-SPONSORED RELIGION. Therefore as long as everyone else gets the right to celebrate their 'holy days' (for instance, I celebrate Yule), then it's all good....
My problem becomes when the media gets everyone riled up in a frenzy because somehow the real 'picture' gets clouded - and suddenly we all get caught up in the 'someone's rights are being denied' - folks, it's more like someone's OPINIONS are being shot down...
So look if a bunch of 'Christians' want to use 'Narnia' to show their kids moral values and they want to take their kids to a wholesome movie (which I will be the first one to say there aren't a lot of those to take kids to these days)....then let them and shut up about it....YOU can go see the movie and pretend it's a great adventure where good ultimately triumphs over evil (gee um sort of like STAR WARS - and if you don't think there's an underlying 'religiosity' about the Star Wars saga think again you geeks....(love you though))
Get out ye ole can-opener and open up another can of worms here on Dancing on Colette's Grave....(NOTE: The reason I even picked this to 'blog' about was because CNN had a video clip asking that age old question: 'Would Jesus go see Narnia?' - yes thanks ever so much CNN for that hard-hitting journalistic bent).
OK C.S. Lewis was obviously a very intelligent, thoughtful and SPIRITUAL man - he wrote a story that transcended the times (HIS TIMES) and we have it today as a treasure that many, many children have read.
While I am not opposed to 'labeling' things - again I have issues with everyone being up in arms ABOUT Christianity (yes I am guilty of it too). In other words part of the problem is THAT we make such a big deal out of these things.
Just like the stories I've been hearing here and there about people 'defending' their rights to have a nativity display or to even say the words Merry Christmas. You know what - let them! That's right I said let them! Who the fuck are they hurting and if some atheist or pagan or Kwanzaa nut is gonna get offended well they are the type of people who are gonna get offended regardless.
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
You're free to PRACTICE your religion - you are not allowed to shove it down other people's throats and that is what I think most people who are not rabid Christians get so upset about - however the Christians ARE allowed to practice their religion. There is just NOT a STATE-SPONSORED RELIGION. Therefore as long as everyone else gets the right to celebrate their 'holy days' (for instance, I celebrate Yule), then it's all good....
My problem becomes when the media gets everyone riled up in a frenzy because somehow the real 'picture' gets clouded - and suddenly we all get caught up in the 'someone's rights are being denied' - folks, it's more like someone's OPINIONS are being shot down...
So look if a bunch of 'Christians' want to use 'Narnia' to show their kids moral values and they want to take their kids to a wholesome movie (which I will be the first one to say there aren't a lot of those to take kids to these days)....then let them and shut up about it....YOU can go see the movie and pretend it's a great adventure where good ultimately triumphs over evil (gee um sort of like STAR WARS - and if you don't think there's an underlying 'religiosity' about the Star Wars saga think again you geeks....(love you though))
Would Jesus go see Narnia?
xtian right: its narnias fault everything is messed up.
max: i wasnt planning to watch it but since youre telling me not too, i am sooo going ... hehehe
People getting all up in arms about Christianity and Narnia in theatres...seems like something we might see on an episode of South Park. lol
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