Sunday, January 29, 2006

...and on Friday evening

Whew! What an evening it was....

I got a chance to have a cuppa with the great Mr. Hess (it was a joy Jeff - thanks I needed that)...

The I met up with C2 at a local Thai restaurant (Lemon Grass) and I Had the best Pad Thai I have ever had in my entire life (seriously it was amazing) and now I will be addicted to it...

Then off to the cinema to see Brokeback Mountain....(that's what the 'Whew' was about)....I pray that this film wins the Oscar this year. And since I was rooting for 'Walk the Line' that's saying a lot..

Sure I could have done without Heath Ledger's mumbling at times (or they should have turned the sound up in the theatre) - but the movie is breath-taking and achingly beautiful; I cried a couple of time and I could feel for all the actors. It's not a happy film (again WTF is it with me watching sad movies????) - it's poignant and *real* (far too real) and I believe it was Mr. Lee that said 'It's a story that had to be told' - also if he managed to get this much of a film out of a short story by E. Annie Proulx then I seriously have to start reading her books like NOW.

One of the best and most telling quotes came from Heath Ledger's (Ennis del Mar) character when he says to Jake Gyllenhaal's (Jack Twist) character: 'If you can't fix it, you gotta stand it...' - he's of course referring to the rock and hard place they find themselves between as they try to somehow live their 'home' lives while still being in love with each other...

What we can't stand - we have to bear...and that my friends is life...

This movie touched my heart and my mind and my soul and it's one of the best movies I've ever seen about this type of love - the kind that crosses through you and rips your heart out at times.

Jake's character seems to be at least able to embrace his 'gay' tendencies while Heath's seemed to want to only live in the shadows of the Brokeback mountain where they'd meet up for their secret trysts - and in the end it broke his family and him deep down inside as well - it was especially hard for me to watch this story unfold because I can relate to it from both wives sides in this story - both the wife that didn't have a clue (Jack Twist's wife, Lureen - played by Anne Hathaway) and the wife that knew all along (Ennis del Mar's wife, Alma - played brilliantly by Michelle Williams).

Finally, kudos for picking Larry McMurtry to write the screenplay - giving the real 'western/cowboy' feel to the film - and the cinematography was simply gorgeous - well done - take a bow Mr. Lee.

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Blogger sid said...

i'm so glad you loved it, it is a beautiful film! did you find it hard to shake? i couldn't sleep the night we saw it, the story just lingered heavily in my heart. yours was one of the opinions i cared most about when it came to seeing this movie, you bring a beautiful perspective to all things, and that you loved this film just warms my heart for you all over again!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Gavin Elster said...

I had a hard time getting over Heath Ledgers "slingblade" meets Tommy Lee Jones silly voice.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Colette said...


I love you! And I wanted so to see this with you and Liam - I was just not sure I could take the emotion of seeing it with the two of you so close at hand - my next post is going to be about my feelings and empathy for people who have to hide their love for fear of being ostracised - I mean one of the hardest things to watch was what happened to Jack - and I was more stunned than crying about it at that point and then the horror of the whole thing began to dawn on me....

Thanks - I am very humbled that you would value my opinion so much.

I miss you guys - can't wait to see you again - ask Liam what's up next weekend possibly....

Scotty - like you I was a bit baffled by the whole thing - I mean he did the strong and silent thing really well (although he's no Gary Cooper or Alan Ladd) - perhaps it's because of his accent that he was talking the way he was - I mean getting a western drawl is a hard thing to do - isn't it? I was shocked when one of my friends told me I had a drawl (I had been living in Houston for about 8 years - I did everything in my power to become conscious of it and get rid of it - fast *giggles* - now that I am single again I am thinking it would make me cuter)



C -

7:33 AM  

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