Friday, February 10, 2006



I have a lot to write - a lot to say and this cold that I thought I was fending off seems to be back again - dambit - I am sitll working the Carnivale Story out in my head but I was going to start putting it up in bits and pieces - I am just too wiped out and really need to kick this cold in the ass...

Of course it dind't help that all this past week the old lady I work with that's suppose to be my help/support in the office decided once again she was too sick to come in (5 days in a frickin row!!!!! And so far just THIS year she's missed 10 days - she always calls off 5 days in a row - I just don't know how she gets away with it) I wish her and her grumpy ole Eyore ass would just retire....sorry it's just annoying as fuck....and it's not like she's really all that useful - she just needs to retire - she really does - I think the amount of work we do is simply too much for her to handle....

So...I have to get some rest so I can get up and teach a class and be bright-eyed and busy-tailed for Liam tomorrow - going out with im and Sid - fun, fun, fun

C2 - you should try and join us if you get this before tomorrow nite - think we'll be 'Bouncing' - you can always call me


Blogger rmacapobre said...

salut colette! je te souhaite une bonne saint-valentin .. ^_^

6:34 PM  

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