Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Good night, and good luck...

....Cause we all need the luck these days....

Went to see this last night (Tuesday was 50 cent night at the local Cinemark - what happened to that damned cent symbol on the keyboard???)- it was an excellent movie and an incredible directing job by Mr. Clooney - he seems to have his finger on the pulse of exactly what IS wrong in this country - lucky for him he has an Italian villa to go to when the shit hits the fan...or the bombs start falling.....

I was very impressed with this film. It also scared the heck out of me because of the timing and the obvious parallel to what's happening in this country now. The only difference is that back then there were *real* journalists with spines, not patsies for one political affiliation or another. People spoke up; fear was rampant but they managed to stop Joe McCarthy before he could completely undermine the basic tenants of the civil rights guaranteed us by our constitution...

Too bad we all seem to be spineless and sniveling in fear these days. President Bush seeks to remove our rights systematically, insidiously and we all just sit here, not willing to act to demand his censure or impeachment. I am horrified, and saddened, and scared to death. I don't know why more people aren't screaming for his head. (Or perhaps we all are screaming but OUR ELECTED representatives have forgotten who voted them in - we can vote them out too kids.)He's broken laws (just like Richard Nixon did)...he has kept us in this so-called war way too long, he's trying to start others (if any of you are paying attention). It's time to stop him and his administration before they do too much damage - but I fear we are all a bit too late.

I don't agree with or like war, as a means to solve conflict, who does? But I have to say if war is necessary why then are we being so lame over there? Did we not send enough troops? Are they so badly trained that they can't complete the mission? Why are we hearing reports form military personnel that they are UNSURE OF THEIR MISSION? WTF??? Look we're the US of friggin A, right? Are we not supposed to be able to kick ass better than this? I always thought so...

I was not born when Senator (a junior sentator at that) Joe McCarthy had his way with the country. I am old enough to remember living in fear (we are all living in fear now - aren't we?) - back then, journalism was an honest way to make a living and a journalist's hallmark was that of integrity, honesty, reporting the facts that were not tainted by someone buying and selling the 'truth' or slanted to corporate or political affiliation - ah the good old days. And I am not inferring that there weren't 'crooked' journalists or that the 'news' was not for sale at times - but it was a different time and place and people had backbones - people seemed to know right from wrong (at least the lines of demarcation were a bit clearer) and corruption seemed to be as black and white as this film Mr. Clooney has made. Perhaps technicolour has somehow mired our vision.

Life then was beginning to get complex and people like Mr. Murrow wanted to make sure America stayed the land of the free and the home of the brave. There aren't a lot of men like him around these days and that's a shame. He set out to slay a very big dragon indeed and he it's our turn.

It's time to slay some real monsters people...get your courage up and put your money where your mouths are - your opinion where your polling places reside, and use your voice, your vote, your blog, your whatever-the-fuck-it-takes - and let's give America back to the sane, rational and tolerant individuals and take it away from the war-mongering, intolerant, corrupt, relgiously-fanatical lunatics at the helm of what used to be a great country...we can make this country great again but we have to fight to win the war against ignorance and incompetence....unless that is, you are happy with things the way they are now...are you?

No, I didn't think so.


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