Friday, March 10, 2006

Greenfield: With port deal dead, do you feel safer? - Mar 9, 2006 - Greenfield: With port deal dead, do you feel safer? - Mar 9, 2006

Good article - he makes some really good points....

It's all such a complex on NPR I was listening while people in Saudi who were interviewed said that by us nixing this deal we are proving the point of Islamic extremists who say: 'See they hate us cause we are Arabs...' - I don't hate people form the Middle East, I don't hate people who worship Allah - heck I don't worship the same God as regular Christians (LOL in fact at times I worship a goddess - I guess that makes me nuts)- I can identify with the my god's better than your god thing....

But on the other hand to allow people who helped in part finance 9/11 to run our ports? I just don't see how that should make any American feel comfortable - would they let us run their ports? Perhaps - but then we're not sending terrorists to fly planes into their buildings either....

I don't much like seeing the smug looks on the faces of the democrats where this becomes some 'let's pat ourselves on the backs, yuk, yuk, yuk...' idiots! (That's right I called the Democrats idiots, C2 - and of course everyone else out there as well)....cause they too are idiots.

We are, ALL OF US responsible for what happens in this country. We need to all stop sitting on our asses and assuming things like that our rights are guaranteed or that we can all sleep safely at night - we all need to be better citizens of the US AND the World....and that may very well mean giving up some control at times - or it might mean patrolling our borders better and becoming more closed as a nation - I don't believe in isolationism - I don't want it, but I also don't think we need to embroil ourselves in every single other country's domestic affairs - it makes us look like mother hens and aren't we a bit old for that? It's time to take care of our own needs here at home (charity DOES begin at home, kids) - that is not to say that we should not stop things like ethnic cleansing or stop madmen out there from destroying the world - but we have to pull together as the 'Global Police' for that, NOT the US's too taxing and all it does is make us more enemies...

I don't know all the answers - I do know I am sick and tired of having things taken away from me...I know I am sick and tired of watching us spend billions on wars, foreign aid, and general bullshit when we need more and better jobs, our infrastructure needs repaired and we need a better educated populace so they can get better jobs, afford to live in better homes, and go after their version of the American dream - if they so chose - if it even makes people happy (which I think it doesn't but that's another post for another time). We need to fight crime on the streets of our inner cities and help those kids and not be entering other countries where we have not been invited and police them - let them police themselves (or blow themselves up if that's what they want).

I agree with Mr. Greenfield on some points - if we do deny Dubai access to our ports and then something does happen, who ARE we going to blame? Look in the mirror my friends....we're our own worst enemies...


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