...and while we are on the subject
...of 'media' etc. in general.
Does anyone else have a problem with the movie about United flight 93?????
Anyone????? (besides me that is)
Does anyone else have a problem with the movie about United flight 93?????
Anyone????? (besides me that is)
First off I am surpirsed that the families are even allowing this.
Secondly I object because let's face it - it's ALL conjecture - none of us really know what happened on that plane, right? That's part of my problem with this - we DON'T KNOW, we will never really know what happened - how could we unless we were there - what from bits and pieces of phone calls made by loved ones in a panic over what they themselves had no clue about? From the pilot? I just don't think there's enough to be making a movie about. I also take issue with the whole 'hero' scenario thing being played out here.
And I think it's bullcrap to make money off of this tragedy - I agree most of it needs to go to the families. But I highly doubt that's going to be the case.
I take issue with all of it C - really I do - I just don't feel like this country has come to terms with what happened and, I don't feel enough time has passed and, further I feel that its almost a political ploy to keep all of us angry/upset over what happened - it's propagandistic(you know?) - and it's just not an historically accurate depiction - how do you think the country would have reacted had they put out a move (other than of course the propaganda news reels) after Pearl Harbor? I mean it's just totally out of line to make this movie (to me), at this point - it's a bit disrepectful/tabloid-esque for my taste.
c, i agree that it is probablt too early, probably a bit tabloidesque, and mostly built on conjecture, BUT, the movie was made with the blessing of every single surviving family member, and i guess i'm hoping that in todays obsession with heros, and those "heroes" being steroid-pumped dolts who can swing a bat at a ball or "stupid girls", that maybe this movie can shed a little light on what being a hero really means. we know now from the moussouai trial that the plane those passengers wrested away from the hijackers was bound for the capitol building.
if america is gonna set through "superman returns" and "x-men 3", i think these real heroes deserve to have their stories told this summer too.
just my two cents worth.
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I am not saying they aren't heroes - of course they were insomuch as they could be...
I am saying I don't like the 'hero-machine' and we all know what I am talking about.
I am not saying we should not be angry - but I find this to be more of a political ploy than the 'real' thing - call me skeptical, call me pessimistic - I am both. And I am not into propaganda - sorry. Great way to keep up enmeshed in the war don't ya think? Sorry kids but that's how I feel.
I just find it to be a way to cash in on something that I don't feel should be cashed in on - what can I say to me it's just not a noble thing to do.
Again - not that their 'stories' don't need to be told - but shouldn't it be more of a documentary than a 'drama'? I mean I am glad to hear it's not marketed as fact but then why do it? And seriously, marketing a tragedy? I am not OK with that description - not at all. Why market what I consider to be propaganda - or stuff that the family 'thinks' happened - why? And who IS the money going to - do any of you know - at all? Just curious. I suppose if it goes to the college funds of the children left parentless then that's cool - but is it? I can't help but feel this is again a way for those weasels in Hollywood to cash in on a horrific tragedy in our nation's history and I just don't feel it's going to help anything at all.
Oh and Sid 2 things: Moussaoui? Uhm we're not taking HIS word for things, right? Nor his defense, nor for that matter the prosecution's, right??? Because he's a scapegoat my dear and if you listened to some of the interviews with some of the family memembers that had loved ones that died that day - they don't want him put to death or to be their proxy for the people that *really* did this horrible thing....I don't think Moussaoui is guilty of anythng more than being a puppet and insane.
And dude, don't diss the X-Men!
was there a diss anywhere in my comment????
ladies, i hate to revert to stereotype, but i am SOOO there for "x-men 3" when it opens. i don't know what character he is, but have you seen the commercial with the boy with wings? he is HOT!!!
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