Saturday, May 13, 2006

Eeyore (AGAIN)


Riding the cotton donkey for eternity

...yeah so as I've made mention, I work with an 'old woman' (no offense to really old women) - she is a female version of Eeyore only much, much worse.

She hates life. It sort of rubs off at times and makes me really irritable. When she gets angry at work she grumbles. NO I mean ACTUALLY grumbles. A lot of us swear - which I admit is bad - I do a great impression of Popeye the Sailor Man but hey 'fuck' is such an all purpose word. And no, I don't use that word at work - unless my computer has totally crashed...

Not her though - when she gets *that* angry she says things like:

"Ishkabibble" or, 'Man-oh-manshevitz'

Ishkabibble???? WTF?

I feel like I am stuck in Bednobs and Broomsticks with a mean, ugly, crippled, Angela Lansbury - and it makes me crazy by the end of the work week.

I try (I really do) to be patient and kind and to help her with her computer (this woman who can't figure out how to use her mouse or how to close a 'window') - but sometimes I just want to scream at her and the word I have in mind is certainly NOT 'Ishkabibble'.


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