Saturday, July 01, 2006

What would I do without the history channel?

I haven't posted in a few days because I've been felled by gastroenteritis, last time I had this was 3 years ago. It's pretty heinous.

So I've been taking it easy today, and camped out on the sofa, watching a special on the History Channel about the Presidents of the United States, from Washington all the way to Bush Jr.

Among the things I never knew, was that James Buchanan was supposed to have been a homosexual president.

Fascinating if you think about it. And here I thought Abraham Lincoln was the only President with possible homosexual tendencies.

I love history, as much as my partner Shawn loves celebrity. I probably should have been a history teacher.


Blogger Lynn Green said...

You and I share something, Liam. I really like "The History Channel". I like History International better because sometimes THC is the "All Hitler, All the Time" channel. Or lately they've been running a lot of "big machines that do stuff." I really like the archeology on History International. I'd be a history teacher in high school except in Oklahoma that usually translates into "what sport can you coach"?

4:46 PM  
Blogger rmacapobre said...

oui .. mais selon dr. kinseys. nous sommes tous bisexuels. ^_^ (je pense que il a raison)

8:05 PM  

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