Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mission Field Dangerous for Church Workers

Mission Field Dangerous for Church Workers


You know...

I have respect for people who devote their lives to God. However, I question at times the motives of certain (translation: ALL) religious organisations.

There are people out there who feel that just because someone is not 'Christian' that automatically makes their belief in the 'God' of their own choosing, wrong. I could not disagree more.

My yoga teacher used to say there is one truth - but many paths to the truth. He encouraged us to be true to our 'path'. To me that means it's OK to be spiritual but not overly religious. It also means if you are Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Protestant you are entitled to believe how you wish to believe. Your choice of God, your way of worship, your personal relationship with you creator (whether that creator is named Allah, Yaweh, Ishvara, God, etc.) is YOUR business - yours and your god's - not anyone else's. Likewise if you choose to be an atheist - your choice.

No one in Israel wants to be converted to Christianity. Neither do Muslims. Buddhists don't want to worship Jesus (or Buddha for that matter), Protestants don't want to be Catholic, Catholics don't want to be Protestant (or perhaps they do, who knows) - in the end this 'My God is better than your God' shit is for the birds. It is pitting peoples against peoples when in the end we are all one people - we are all of the race of homo sapien - some of us believe in a higher power/being, some of us don't.

While it is certainly your choice to proselytize - it is also most certainly the choice of those on the receiving end of your 'ministry' to tell you to take your belief system and shove it straight up your ass....or to kidnap you - as the case maybe.

I think the best way to profess your beliefs are to live them. To walk the talk. To do what Jesus/Buddha/Mohammed would do not by wearing a bracelet or loudly SPEAKING your faith - but by acting your faith. In the end those actions are and always will be more profound than words.

Be kind to each other. Love one another.

That's all you will ever need to know.

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Playing Devil's Advocate here (pun intended):

Not all paths lead to "The One Truth". I'm sure that some of the missionaries might have a similar view of your path and of your view of the universe as you are professing, and ultimately would tell you to "shove it".

Your view and commentary doesn't neccessarily pit people against one another, but it does have the air of superiority. If you don't really care, then why rant about it? Why must they see it your way?

Proselytizing from the other side of your mouth?

Again, just playing Devil's Advocate.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

I’m only gunna say one thing to this post of yours, ( even though there is a lot more that I could say, ill leave it quiet)
Maybe, now I’m saying this with all the love I can , maybe you ought to do what you say.

"I think the best way to profess your beliefs are to live them. To walk the talk. To do what Jesus/Buddha/Mohammed would do not by wearing a bracelet or loudly SPEAKING your faith - but by acting your faith. In the end those actions are and always will be more profound than words"

If you believe that statement, then please remind me... Why exactly do you even go to church? That is what they do there.. they Speak about their so-called religion. Just a thought, you believe ( which is part ofone of the beauties of FREE WILL) that we ought to stop bombarding people with our words of our religion, then why do you enter into a church ever sunday morning? Just trying to point out that it makes you SOUND, not that you are per say, but it makes you sound sorta hypercritical.

10:23 AM  

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