Friday, November 02, 2007

And while I am at it

To a certain asshole out there by the name of Ken Y.

It's November 2. I am STILL WITH ERIN. STILL madly in love - in fact after this week and the past couple of days even more so.

I think you owe us an apology. But I won't hold my breath waiting....I'd at least like to see you eat a great big bowl of your own prophecies. You sir, are a fool.

Have a great life...we plan on it ourselves.

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

I've told you I'll move mountains for you and for us. Geologically speaking mountains take, decades, centuries, or even millenia to form. But in human terms, a mountain can form in but seconds.

I know I haven't always been perfectly vigilant and I've even grown weary of mountains, but there is no mountain big enough to keep me from you.

I love you Colleen

11:16 PM  

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