Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chocolate: A Food Without Borders : NPR

Chocolate: A Food Without Borders : NPR

That's it - it's decided - I am moving to Spain - to Erin - pack your bags...

Or I need to at least make this at home...chocolate for breakfast? I am in heaven....maybe God/dess is a big bowl of dark chocolate...


Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Well Baby, knowing you, we'll have to live close to the French border.

Also, can we get one of those Christmas Shit-Logs? The idea of my presents being defecated on the floor is appealing. Can we, can we, can we?

9:04 AM  
Blogger Heidi Cool said...

When as a kid I'd spend the night at my friend Carrie's house, her mother (a nurse) would give me chocolate ice cream for breakfast. I wasn't a breakfast person and neither is mom so normally I would just have some juice. Carrie ate Cocoa Wheats which I couldn't stand, but her mom wouldn't let me leave the house without eating something. I think she figured Ice Cream would put something in my tummy and give me calcium so it was better than nothing.

Now that I'm on my own I just go with juice. I still need to be up for awhile before I feel inclined towards food.

1:21 AM  

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