Women's Lib
I just finished one book and am currently reading another that deals with women freeing themselves.
The first was probably one of the most powerful books I have ever read. I do not know why it has taken me so long to find this book. I believe it should be read and re-read and assigned and all that jazz....and I am sure it is, and has been - but I don't mean by Oprah....

Nora Zeale Hurston was in essence (and in my humble opinion) a phenomenon and a phenomenal writer. The fact that she died (alone) in obscurity, when she should have won the Pulitzer Prize for literature, makes my blood boil. While I am very happy that she was ‘rediscovered’ and that I have at last discovered her myself does not ease the shame of my last statement.
It’s not a ‘black thing’ – although there was a lot in this book I could not, as a white woman born free, identify with. It IS a woman thing – but more so – it’s a human thing – it’s a love thing.
The shocking ‘twist’ had me so upset I had to put this book down – but yet – it kept calling to me. I want to be this kind of writer – poetic and brutal(ly) honest, flowing free. Thank you Ms. Hurston.
Speaking of poetic and brutal – the second book is written by Alice Sebold ("The Lovely Bones") and is a personal memoir of her being beaten and raped. “Lucky” is probably one of the harder books I’ve read in terms of emotional cost and yet I’ve laughed along with the tears and the outrage.
So as usual...don't just sit there. Go buy/find these books now and read them.
I also think it’s time for me to pick up my own pen.
Whether I will be as poignant or write as ‘meaningful/important’ stuff as these women remains to be seen. Nevertheless I feel compelled to try. Perhaps, somewhere among the ‘voices’ I will find my own and it will ring clear.
Labels: Finding My Voice, Women's Issues, Writers, Writing
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