Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Reading and Writing

(just not the dreaded 'rithmatic *winks*)

What I have been reading lately...

Because I am actually trying to write:

Mr. Stephen King's book on the subject which doubles as a memoir:

This book was really a joy to read. You feel like you are sitting around having a beer with Stephen King (even though for him (my apologies Mr. King) that might be problematic (read the book to find out what I am talking about))...great suggestions and ideas for how to 'get your muse on'.

Alas - she is like my addiction. I so love the writing of Ms. Atwood.

I have always enjoyed her short stories. In Moral Disorder, a lot of the stories can be read as stand alone, but they all link together. Very well done. If you are not a Margaret Atwood fan, I recommend her highly.

This book (so far) is superb. I got more than half-way through on the first sit-down with this novel. Mesmerizing and chilling is how I would best describe this story. Oryx and Crake is Orwellian in scope and yet..you feel like all of this IS happening or is ABOUT to happen (which is what makes it chilling). I am ashamed for not having read it sooner (and I blame some of this on my divorce because for a long while after I divorced, I simply could not bring myself do do the things I used to do). But now reading this masterful work by Ms. Atwood only convinces me even more of why I have chosen her as a favourite author. Very well done. Bravo cherie.

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