Thursday, January 05, 2012

Bye-Bye 2011 Hello 2012

It's been a while and I have a lot to say and much that I don't even know where to begin.

The year for me at least, ended on a sad note...but it's been a good new year so far.  I have not had time to be as retrospective as I might be...but things are making me think more...and think about how I should approach life.

Career-wise I am in a funk and I don't know how to deal with's a bad time to be looking (yet again) for a job, but I am not happy and I am wondering if I just keep having bad job karma.  I had to do something about having full-time work, yet I am not sure I made the right decision.  I just don't know what to do anymore and again I keep thinking about going back to school...but heck what do I study, and what do I want to be when I grow up (like a little voice in my head is yelling"  Grow up already!)

The holidays were nice - visiting with my husband's family was nice...noisy, hectic, down-right nerve wracking at times, but alright.  I guess I know understand why snow-birds move to Florida - I am still not convinced that it's right for me - I am not good about brutal heat - but this cold is REALLY getting to me this year...and there's like 4 months left of cold weather up here in NEO.

We got a gym membership and I am hoping to get into better shape - not so much a resolution, more like a determination and an understanding that I NEED this...a lot.

I need to try to focus too on other more personally enriching  - like getting my story written and hopefully seeing Erin's work come to fruition as well.

So there is a lot I want to accomplish and not enough hours in the day.....and some things like family worries, job worries and general apathy conspire to not make me so inclined.  I am partial to hibernation in winter and not sure how to jump-start my own arse into activity, physical or mental....

Erin bought a 'happy-light' but part of me thinks that it's actually OK to feel sadder during the winter; to want to curl up and eat more (or eat Haagen-Daz), be tired, and general lack motivation...I mean there are seasons for a reason....the light itself creeps me out in it's 'color spectrum' - it pains me to look at it...but then bright lights have always bothered me.  So perhaps I will try it and see if it helps...I will report back as to my findings.

I hope all of you had a good holiday season and have found reasons to celebrate, reflect and find the impetus to move into a brighter future.


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