An aching heart - that knows little peace

Just finished watching 'Wings of the Dove' (again)...
I am not sure why I was compelled to watch this instead of going to sleep and, since it's now past 3 AM, I really should be asleep. But there is something about this movie (and about Henry James' stories in general) - that beckons to me. For it tells the story of heart-wrenching romances against lush back drops; and of deprivation and obsession with no end in sight. Part of me simply identifies so well with this theme of love lost, betrayal and redemption that it's like watching my own dark romance unfold before me - all too familiar and painful.
The city of Venice (that I long to see) - a city that seems to be (and is in fact) - eternally drowning - home to The Bridge of Sighs - echoing the sadness, the loss, the grief, the desperation - which in turn is played out so well in this movie pitting tragically flawed characters against each other as they try to make sense of their hearts' passions and desires.
The very fitting quote that is used in the movie at the funeral scene from the Bible: "Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest"
Although somehow I think, at least in this lifetime, that rest will continue to elude me.

Shalom Colette,
Also one of my favorite movies.
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