Just in case you weren't listening before...
It’s a little game you and I play with each other...
Push-me, pull-you or maybe it’s more like ‘Truth or Dare’ but *I* am not doing the daring and you still don’t ever tell the truth.
I keep finding out about things – but you keep wanting me to not believe – except we both know that, as usual, you are lying; to me, to yourself, to the entire world. Or perhaps it’s only me you are lying to. And that might explain why you felt so comfortable being with her because you didn’t have to lie, you didn’t have to ‘hide’ your ‘real’ identity. You could be Peter Parker and ‘Spyder_boi’ all at the same time, you just didn’t care who got in the way of your games...
I thought I could somehow keep a civil relationship between us but I can’t – not only because every time I see you, I want to either kick you in your useless balls or vomit up my last meal, but because I abhor, I hate with a vengeance, liars. And I am tired of being a part of your fan club. I am not a fan. I am an innocent bystander. I don’t know what makes you think I want to keep doing this with you. I simply can’t anymore
Less and less do I feel the love I once felt – it’s slowly being replaced with a kind of coldness, an armoring of my heart, turning it to steel to be able to fend off your latest assault. But in protecting myself from you I am keeping myself from being able to be vulnerable to the ‘right’ person. I suppose though that burden falls on me.
I just wanted you to know that I think you are a coward; a pitiful excuse for a man, and while I did at one time love you with such passion that’s all gone, and now I am beginning to wish I had never laid eyes on you.
Push-me, pull-you or maybe it’s more like ‘Truth or Dare’ but *I* am not doing the daring and you still don’t ever tell the truth.
I keep finding out about things – but you keep wanting me to not believe – except we both know that, as usual, you are lying; to me, to yourself, to the entire world. Or perhaps it’s only me you are lying to. And that might explain why you felt so comfortable being with her because you didn’t have to lie, you didn’t have to ‘hide’ your ‘real’ identity. You could be Peter Parker and ‘Spyder_boi’ all at the same time, you just didn’t care who got in the way of your games...
I thought I could somehow keep a civil relationship between us but I can’t – not only because every time I see you, I want to either kick you in your useless balls or vomit up my last meal, but because I abhor, I hate with a vengeance, liars. And I am tired of being a part of your fan club. I am not a fan. I am an innocent bystander. I don’t know what makes you think I want to keep doing this with you. I simply can’t anymore
Less and less do I feel the love I once felt – it’s slowly being replaced with a kind of coldness, an armoring of my heart, turning it to steel to be able to fend off your latest assault. But in protecting myself from you I am keeping myself from being able to be vulnerable to the ‘right’ person. I suppose though that burden falls on me.
I just wanted you to know that I think you are a coward; a pitiful excuse for a man, and while I did at one time love you with such passion that’s all gone, and now I am beginning to wish I had never laid eyes on you.
Thank you for that very flattering comment at my blog. The blog is on vacation for two weeks but I hope you'll have time to stop by and read in the archives. Thank you for adding a link to me. I've linked back to you, as well. After I saw your blog I really wanted to.
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