Wednesday, July 20, 2005

La Vie en Rose

Thinking...dreaming...not sure what to do with all this feeling...

I am at once happy/sad/confused *laughs* gee some would say perhaps Colette is falling…

I AM – I am falling from such a great height and at such a speed I can hardly contain it...nor know what to do – other than look pretty as I swan dive headlong into my fate – ah but is it fate?

What happens to us when we begin to allow our emotions to enter into what is usually a logical, down-to-earth-day-to-day existence? I have always struggled to stay centered. In the eye of the storm I try to be the one who breathes, the one who keeps a cool head. (I was the one who remained calm when my little brother fell and cut his shin so bad you could see the bone, I was the one who when mom died tried so hard to hold everything together.)

I came to the realization many years ago that control is an illusion. We kid ourselves when we think we can try to control the things that happen to us – all we ever end up being able to control are our reactions and our own actions.

But where does this come into play when feelings of intensity are concerned (like love/attraction) – this is where, especially lately, my brain seems to short circuit; questioning, second-guessing and not quite knowing if what I feel is real, imagined or just wishful thinking on my part...

So on and on I go, round and round, and where it stops who knows for sure – it’s anyone’s guess. I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel but then I feel that I am spinning to fast to see anything...I just don’t want to get so caught up and so dizzy that I lose all perspective. Is there perspective in love? Or does that take all the magic out of it?


Artist: Bette Midler
Album: Broken Blossom
Title: La Vie En Rose

Hold me close and hold me fast.
This magic spell you cast;
This is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me, heaven sighs.
And though i close my eyes
I see la vie en rose.

When you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
Angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
Into love songs.

Give your heart and soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.

Mmm, when you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world apart.
A world where roses bloom.

And when you speak,
Angels fly from above.
Everyday words seem to turn
Into love songs.

Give your heart, your soul to me.
Babe, it's gonna be
La vie en rose.


Blogger Babette said...

I hope you are well...I came here after looking up a "Buddha Bar" cover. You have a beautiful blog and I shall read on down...

10:59 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

Thanks my dear Bonnie.

Likewise your blog is lovely.

Take care - for you are an incredibly busy and wonderful woman.

As ever,

12:14 PM  
Blogger Ken Summers said...

Even the brightest lighthouse weathering a hurricane needs some strong rock to rely on and fall back on. No one person can be there for everyone and everything without ever needing the same in turn. Like I've said, if you ever need someone to talk to or lean on, I'm here for you. No worries about being a nusaince or anything.

Not everything in life makes sense. Love is the most complicated, confusing, and frustrating thing we know. It can throw everything we know about the world on its head. But that's part of the adventure... and indeed, that is what life is: a strange, curious journey into ourselves and the earth. Sometimes, it helps to stop thrashing in the currents and just relax, let go, and float. Life takes you where you need to be, not necessarily where you want to go. But everything teaches us something and shows us something new.

Things will turn out for the best, sweetie. We may not see it until the journey's end, but they will. And never forget I'm only a phone call or email away! *hugs*

12:40 PM  

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