ONE Blog
ONE Blog
I had a chance this past Saturday to watch and listen on the radio - to some of the concert for Africa. I think one of the most poignant things I heard said was from Bono (himself) saying that children in Africa die from a mere mosquito bite and we can stop that....
I applaud this effort. Really. It is wonderful to see the world pull together for a common goal and I hope others out there will become more aware of this solvable problem.
I do admit to being a bit jaded though...part of me is not sure that the men governing G8 really give a rat's ass about the starving, poverty-ridden continent of Africa - yes I hope and pray that they do and yes, I believe our voices CAN be heard - if we all shout loud enough and in unison.
My other beef (no pun intended on the food theme here), is that there are children starving RIGHT HERE in the USA. That bothers me a lot. An awful lot. And while I'd not say that any one child's life in Africa is worth less than a child's life here at home, I will say that 'charity begins at home' - I stand in support of this campaign. (And if all those people need is 70 cents a day from each country and our collective representativea can't find it in their deep pockets to cough it up - well than I can spare 70 cents a day, can you?) But I also want to see the kids in this country get out of poverty too. It's just as important a cause here.
I had a chance this past Saturday to watch and listen on the radio - to some of the concert for Africa. I think one of the most poignant things I heard said was from Bono (himself) saying that children in Africa die from a mere mosquito bite and we can stop that....
I applaud this effort. Really. It is wonderful to see the world pull together for a common goal and I hope others out there will become more aware of this solvable problem.
I do admit to being a bit jaded though...part of me is not sure that the men governing G8 really give a rat's ass about the starving, poverty-ridden continent of Africa - yes I hope and pray that they do and yes, I believe our voices CAN be heard - if we all shout loud enough and in unison.
My other beef (no pun intended on the food theme here), is that there are children starving RIGHT HERE in the USA. That bothers me a lot. An awful lot. And while I'd not say that any one child's life in Africa is worth less than a child's life here at home, I will say that 'charity begins at home' - I stand in support of this campaign. (And if all those people need is 70 cents a day from each country and our collective representativea can't find it in their deep pockets to cough it up - well than I can spare 70 cents a day, can you?) But I also want to see the kids in this country get out of poverty too. It's just as important a cause here.
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