Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Random musings...

There’s rumour and innuendo about having to possibly wear uniforms here at work – ugh – I paid my dues – I was a Catholic school girl – hey now there’s an idea – let’s wear school girl uniforms – that oughta make a huge difference in health care costs...*laughs* yeah people would PAY US to come here and see young women in school-girl uniforms


Saw an ad for a movie about exorcism about some poor victim by the name of Emily Rose – now I read ‘The Exocist’ at the tender age of 11-years old – much to the mortification and horror of my mother. I have always been fascinated by the notion of ridding oneself of daemons – especially when it involves outside help (such as a church). So they claim this is based on true events (personally always think that’s some sort of misnomer for something that happened that has become a ‘true’ urban legend). So now it’s off to ‘research’ the story – I saw some clips – it does look pretty scary but then what’s with the latest spate of ‘horror’ movies and people like Kate Hudson participating?


My friend told me that if I ever get so frustrated with the dating scene that I decide to ‘switch teams’ that she recently made some new lesbian friends...

Hmmmmm – not sure if I am ready to do that just yet. I will say on the record that I do think the female form is much more pleasing to look upon than the male form (that is unless the guy’s a Chippendale dancer – or a dancer and most of them are gay) – however I did tell my friend I just didn’t want to deal with the fact that most of the time most women are bitches – and I just don’t want to deal with the drama – not that there ISN’T drama between men and women but women just have a habit (I think, PERSONALLY) – of being way too high-strung, high-maintenance – so now I have the song from ‘My Fair Lady’ Rex Harrison singing: ‘Why can’t a woman be more like a man?’ going through my head...great....


Finally I have so much crap to blog and like hardly any time – but I need to - lots and lots to write about...


Blogger Jerry Ritcey said...

The uniforms might be an incentive to work there - for some. Probably you could limit this theorectical group to say, any male.

9:16 PM  

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