Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sniffles strikes again...

Yes indeed...this is going to sound really bad.

Back when the Yoga 'program' at work was non-existent (after 3 years of me pouring blood, sweat and tears into it) - I used to teach at our fitness center. I'd get 3 maybe 4 students, tops. One of them was an especially annoying student (yes Virginia, Yoga teachers get annoyed by their students), and I swear to friggin' Vishnu that she sounded *exactly* and behaved *exactly* like 'Sniffles the Mouse'

(Oh My God!)

So now that my new Yoga class is in full swing she's 'found me' again and the other night when I was dealing with the fact I was 'locked out' of the classroom I used - she was 'trying' to be helpful...it turns out she was driving both myself and the security guard that was attempting to let me in the room, crazy - I finally had to tell her to go sit down elsewhere whilst we figured out the problem. When she realised I meant it she finally became as humble as a mouse *SHOULD* be and went to sit down (and shut up too! Bonus here)...

Needless to say class carried on and she was well behaved for the class (which she had not been in previous classes, constantly interrupting me to add her 'take' on the class,what her former class had been like, and why she missed it so much (although I am sure her former teacher *does not* miss her)...

So hopefully throughout this next session 'Sniffles' will keep her comments to herself and practice like the rest of us.

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