Friday, January 06, 2006

definitely *not* something the pastor's wife would be listening to... Posted by Picasa


Blogger Di said...

My daughter sings and plays piano...and Tori was one of her earliest influences....She made a CD for me once with songs from this album....many times people do not realize it's not Tori when they hear it...I love this album too....Sarah, my child, and I attended a Tori concert together and got to meet her fact, Sarah traded earrings with one of her band members, ha!! We have pics to document this event....I'll have to share them with you sometime!!! Seeing this cover (and many of the others you've shared) bring back pleasant memories for me!!! Thanks for sharing....

Happy New Year, 'Colette'!! As always, I enjoy your blogging!!! :))

10:54 AM  

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