The "C" Word
She used the 'C' word with me - I just sat there kind of stunned....
She asked me all these questions and I tried answering them as honestly and with as much detail as I could....but there's a line you draw in your mind when your doctor asks you to come up with all your symptoms (and you don't feel're just tired and achy/sore)- so part of me (in my head) was like 'gee I feel like I am whining or a hypochondriac'...but yet you dare not leave anything out, lest your sin of omission become the undoing of your health...and when she told me 'I have to be honest with you C -, when I saw your labs I immediately got scared and thought 'Cancer' (*SHE* got scared???? I mean what kind of a vote of confidence is this??? WTF??? At the same time, it's why I go to her - she pulls no punches, she's honest, and we've become friendly) - she went on to say that she thought after listening to me that perhaps the lab values are 'readily explained' but that I need to go Monday and repeat even more blood work and she's having a haematologist review this new set of labs...(that's what 'Staff review' means for us lay people).
Meanwhile I am here scared to death wondering if I gave her enough info, wondering why she didn't address the inexplicable pains I *have* been having lately the soreness, the achiness, but then maybe that's old age setting in for me and maybe I am too quick to offer up solutions for my own pains when I talk to her - and I don't like complaining I really don't - but when her last words were: '...and if this IS something, we've caught it now...' sheesh...
Prayer - prayer is a good thing....
The anemia: it would seem there is actually a strain of anemia that is found to be hereditary amongst people from Southern Italy (or of Southern Italian descent, and my Italian ancestry harkens back to Calabria) and since I was anemic as a girl (before the onset of my menses), and because my mother was anemic as well, my doctor seems to think that it might be what's going on (of course she is also worried about leukemia and internal bleeding) - but if it IS this strain of anemia basically there's nothing they do to treat it - and NO (this for the benefit of people like my son who said: 'Just eat red meat mom!') they don't treat it with iron (LOL - they don't treat it at all) - she said I could begin to use a supplement with iron but for now she does not want me to do anything that might 'skew' my tests....
Prayer - prayer is a good thing....
She asked me all these questions and I tried answering them as honestly and with as much detail as I could....but there's a line you draw in your mind when your doctor asks you to come up with all your symptoms (and you don't feel're just tired and achy/sore)- so part of me (in my head) was like 'gee I feel like I am whining or a hypochondriac'...but yet you dare not leave anything out, lest your sin of omission become the undoing of your health...and when she told me 'I have to be honest with you C -, when I saw your labs I immediately got scared and thought 'Cancer' (*SHE* got scared???? I mean what kind of a vote of confidence is this??? WTF??? At the same time, it's why I go to her - she pulls no punches, she's honest, and we've become friendly) - she went on to say that she thought after listening to me that perhaps the lab values are 'readily explained' but that I need to go Monday and repeat even more blood work and she's having a haematologist review this new set of labs...(that's what 'Staff review' means for us lay people).
Meanwhile I am here scared to death wondering if I gave her enough info, wondering why she didn't address the inexplicable pains I *have* been having lately the soreness, the achiness, but then maybe that's old age setting in for me and maybe I am too quick to offer up solutions for my own pains when I talk to her - and I don't like complaining I really don't - but when her last words were: '...and if this IS something, we've caught it now...' sheesh...
Prayer - prayer is a good thing....
The anemia: it would seem there is actually a strain of anemia that is found to be hereditary amongst people from Southern Italy (or of Southern Italian descent, and my Italian ancestry harkens back to Calabria) and since I was anemic as a girl (before the onset of my menses), and because my mother was anemic as well, my doctor seems to think that it might be what's going on (of course she is also worried about leukemia and internal bleeding) - but if it IS this strain of anemia basically there's nothing they do to treat it - and NO (this for the benefit of people like my son who said: 'Just eat red meat mom!') they don't treat it with iron (LOL - they don't treat it at all) - she said I could begin to use a supplement with iron but for now she does not want me to do anything that might 'skew' my tests....
Prayer - prayer is a good thing....
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