Sunday, February 19, 2006

lost camera: camera unlost, but not quite found.

lost camera: camera unlost, but not quite found.

Check this out kids (sent to me by Sid)....

This is an outrage and this guy deserves some justice - I mean WTF????????????????

I am very fond of the people North of our border they are like us (only, and I hate to even admit I feel this way) - most times smarter, more polite....but not as illustrated by this incident - this family is a bunch of a-holes...

I think this guy need to really take them to task over this one...


Blogger Jeff Hess said...

Shalom Colette,

This has hoax written all over it.



3:18 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

My dear Jeff,


You know I was thinking that too - I mean I can't imagine a parent saying well my kind with diabetes thinks this is a sign of 'good luck' so we are going to let him keep YOUR property?????

A lot of people while not saying it's a hoax are saying that the people are making up having a kid....

If it IS a true story - then like I said these people need to be taken to task

C -

5:05 PM  

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