Friday, February 03, 2006

NPR : Western Union Sends Its Last Telegram

NPR : Western Union Sends Its Last Telegram

C2 mentioned this to me the other day....

It makes me a bit wistful - I don't know why - I guess because I never got a chance to send or recieve a telegram....

I think sometimes,we all get so caught up in our day-to-day grind that we forget to honour and cherish simpler times - and perhaps most people out there (who do read blogs) are too young to remember growing up in the era of 'Leave it to Beaver', 'Dennis the Menace', 'My Three Sons', or 'Father Knows Best'... and I don't mean to 1) date myself here or, 2) imply that it was necessarily a walk in the park to live in those 'good old days' - but there was something less hurried back then and it is sad to see remnants of the past fade away...


Blogger Liam said...

It is rather sad how everything eventually becomes obsolete. I can't believe all the things just from my lifetime that are gone....

8 track tapes
tv's with knobs
cassette tapes
betamax tapes
Album sized laser discs
answering machines (though still sold)
Pay phones

11:32 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

Pay phones????

Uhm darling - they still have pay phones - they just cost 50 cents now...

Now dambit can someone tell me why they made the cents symbol on the keyboard obsolete???????

2:11 PM  

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