Thursday, March 16, 2006


kind of suck...seriously we all know they do...

unlike my ex I am not the type to throw my OWN friggin party - never happen - not in a million years...and I DON'T EVER WANT A SURPRISE PARTY - EVER!

Today was a let down - I tried sleeping in - my daughter woke me up at 8 AM - in years past she could not even remember my birthday. My son dragged himself out of bed without so much as a 'by your leave'...he's still not home...

I got some great cards and great sentiments. I don't know where C2 found the picture of the 'Carebear' birthday cake with 'Happy Birthday C-' on it - perhaps there's an internet cake decorator-generator thingy - it was cute and funny and thanks C2 - and yes I HATE 'Carebears' because I a communist *giggles* - seriously I hated all that shit (Carebears, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Bright, My Little Pony ALL of it)

Thanks to all of you you who left me a comment how kind of you - thanks from the bottom of my heart


I am feeling very low - probably because my son's dad offered to take me to dinner and I told him off. Why you might ask? Cause I am sick to death of pretending with everyone - especially him and my son these days - he didn't *really* want to take me to dinner - it was pity (and don't write me telling me off about this I've known the guy for like 20 years now) and my son's following right in his old man's footsteps - yafuckinhoo...not even a birthday card - yep thanks son (the killer is that last year he bought me a DVD of Led Zeppelin in concert - I like Led Zeppelin - I really do - did I want their concert DVD? Nope. I still thanked him, and he's been the only one who's ever watched it. I think I am going to re-gift it back to him. Do you think he'll notice?) I mean there's no sense of putting some thoughfulness into anything anymore - I realise he's a teen but yet I am handed a detailed list of crap every time he wants something (AND IT'S NOT ABOUT THE GIFT PEOPLE - it's about the thought) - it's all such bullshit - next year I am going away - just like for this x-mas coming up - I am not going to do this - I am going to go away - I don't know where, I don't care - I am sick of this and I need some time for ME - time to be selfish - the hell with everyone else for once....should have done it THIS year.

LOL so I go off today to actually *treat* myself to something - do you think I could find what I was looking for - hell no...I am an idiot. What I actually wanted was one of these:

But a ladies' size etc. and of course my timing sucks cause tomorrow is St. Pat's so there were none to be had - I even looked on-line came up with THIS ONE but I am not sure - and there was all sorts of crap on E-Bay but who knows what you are getting perhaps tomorrow I will go to an Irish Import store and take a look see but I don't even think they are going to be open on St. Pat's

On a good note - got all the stuff completed with my car (ah I live for the mundane) - looking forward to going to Pittsburgh - although most of the time will be eaten up by visiting family (which is wonderful) but I love to go there and check out all the wonderful venues/shops/museums but there won't be time for that. I guess I am going to have to drag Mr. C or C2 down there one weekend to 'play'

Well enough for one evening I guess I should just turn in...


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