Online NewsHour: South Dakota Bans Most Types of Abortion -- March 3, 2006
Online NewsHour: South Dakota Bans Most Types of Abortion -- March 3, 2006
Just more grist for the mill....
You know I once asked a priest (I was something like 11 yrs old) why if the Catholic church banned the use of contraceptives why they weren't willing to help pay then for the loads of kids they seemed to want Catholics to have - he had no answer...
Is our government ready to pay for more people to be on the dole? (oh wait I forgot they are cutting social programs right) - so OK is our country willing to sit back and watch the kids that are going to be born now die of starvation because their (possibly) single moms can't afford to raise them? Or how about pay for the crime that *might* come as a result of them having to live in poverty and desperation?
And for the record I don't believe in using abortion as a means of contraception but if you read below you will find that sometimes we don't have any other choice...
Look, this isn't ultimately about some dinky little back-woods town - this is about women's rights to good medical advice and care. This is about hard-core fundamentalists/right-wingers trying to get the chance to overturn Roe V Wade in a very blatant way.
Those same fundamentalists seem to be screaming about abortion being a sin and against God - well I'll tell you people what; why don't you go park your asses on the mean streets of Detroit or LA, or (insert name of crime-infested inner city of your choice)wherever, and then talk to me about sin? Let's talk about desperation shall we? Does your god mention that in your book of common prayer? What, you expect the lord to solve all your problems don't you? Does your god pay your bills? Just curious? Are you such a good Christian that you would take a pregnant black woman in off the streets, pay for her medical care, and raise her child as well as educate that child so they have the same advantages as your own flesh and blood - are you really *that* good? Just curious...
Here's *their* solution: Put the kids up for adoption - um yeah ok - no that does not work, too many people want cute babies from China or Russia, while our American kids languish in foster care or let's see that plan doesn't work....
Here's the ones they use on kids in schools: Don't have sexual intercourse until you're married - yep that's working - fools, don't you know your own kids what, are you nuts? Kid ARE having sex, people and they aren't protecting themselves either - brilliant plan there...
Women's rights to contraceptive choices are being challenged too, so what's a woman to do? Why isn't the answer to make men just as responsible? To have men get vasectomies? Do you really want 1/2 of the American work force to go back to being June Cleaver and Donna Reed - don't you kind of like the extra money we bring in? Do you really want us all barefoot and pregnant?
If the men in charge are going to take away women's rights to make medical decisions about THEIR very OWN bodies - how does that make those men here any better than fundamentalist Islamics who won't let their women read, who feel they *own* their women - that women aren't as equal or worthy in the eyes of god somehow - or are we just too stupid for you all? In essence, don't women become nothing more than chattel?
I have to ask, when did we decide that only MEN knew what was right for women's bodies or that only MEN know what's in God's mind - are you really privy to what God wants or doesn't want because you have a penis and *I* don't...
Well gee I guess that *does* make you better than me...
Here let me take off my shoes right now and commence to makin' those babies while I put on the kettle, get you your slippers and pipe and cook you some tasty victuals....
(Note: Please don't write to me telling me I am bashing men, OK - I know not all men feel that way that bastard in South Dakota feels - my main problem is where *are* all the women? Why aren't they protesting louder? And I don't mean just on a blog somewhere - how many of you MEN and WOMEN have written your representative lately telling them how you feel - telling them you won't vote for them if they continue this insanity?)...just curious...
Just more grist for the mill....
You know I once asked a priest (I was something like 11 yrs old) why if the Catholic church banned the use of contraceptives why they weren't willing to help pay then for the loads of kids they seemed to want Catholics to have - he had no answer...
Is our government ready to pay for more people to be on the dole? (oh wait I forgot they are cutting social programs right) - so OK is our country willing to sit back and watch the kids that are going to be born now die of starvation because their (possibly) single moms can't afford to raise them? Or how about pay for the crime that *might* come as a result of them having to live in poverty and desperation?
And for the record I don't believe in using abortion as a means of contraception but if you read below you will find that sometimes we don't have any other choice...
Look, this isn't ultimately about some dinky little back-woods town - this is about women's rights to good medical advice and care. This is about hard-core fundamentalists/right-wingers trying to get the chance to overturn Roe V Wade in a very blatant way.
Those same fundamentalists seem to be screaming about abortion being a sin and against God - well I'll tell you people what; why don't you go park your asses on the mean streets of Detroit or LA, or (insert name of crime-infested inner city of your choice)wherever, and then talk to me about sin? Let's talk about desperation shall we? Does your god mention that in your book of common prayer? What, you expect the lord to solve all your problems don't you? Does your god pay your bills? Just curious? Are you such a good Christian that you would take a pregnant black woman in off the streets, pay for her medical care, and raise her child as well as educate that child so they have the same advantages as your own flesh and blood - are you really *that* good? Just curious...
Here's *their* solution: Put the kids up for adoption - um yeah ok - no that does not work, too many people want cute babies from China or Russia, while our American kids languish in foster care or let's see that plan doesn't work....
Here's the ones they use on kids in schools: Don't have sexual intercourse until you're married - yep that's working - fools, don't you know your own kids what, are you nuts? Kid ARE having sex, people and they aren't protecting themselves either - brilliant plan there...
Women's rights to contraceptive choices are being challenged too, so what's a woman to do? Why isn't the answer to make men just as responsible? To have men get vasectomies? Do you really want 1/2 of the American work force to go back to being June Cleaver and Donna Reed - don't you kind of like the extra money we bring in? Do you really want us all barefoot and pregnant?
If the men in charge are going to take away women's rights to make medical decisions about THEIR very OWN bodies - how does that make those men here any better than fundamentalist Islamics who won't let their women read, who feel they *own* their women - that women aren't as equal or worthy in the eyes of god somehow - or are we just too stupid for you all? In essence, don't women become nothing more than chattel?
I have to ask, when did we decide that only MEN knew what was right for women's bodies or that only MEN know what's in God's mind - are you really privy to what God wants or doesn't want because you have a penis and *I* don't...
Well gee I guess that *does* make you better than me...
Here let me take off my shoes right now and commence to makin' those babies while I put on the kettle, get you your slippers and pipe and cook you some tasty victuals....
(Note: Please don't write to me telling me I am bashing men, OK - I know not all men feel that way that bastard in South Dakota feels - my main problem is where *are* all the women? Why aren't they protesting louder? And I don't mean just on a blog somewhere - how many of you MEN and WOMEN have written your representative lately telling them how you feel - telling them you won't vote for them if they continue this insanity?)...just curious...
As a man, let may say ... right on rant ... some people have called my post on this issue cathartic ... I dunno ... you might wanna check it out ... (not the one I just put up, but the one before that) ... anyway ... good fire in your piece ...
My parents had the same argument for their priest over 40 years ago when my mother was told to never try to become pregnant again for health reasons. "God will provide". Bullshit! Picture this now-my mother would have gone on having kids because contraception is a sin. She dies in childbirth and then my father would have had to try to raise a passel of kids alone. When it could have been preventable. Well, my parents did end up using birth control and when they couldn't get absolution, they broke from the church. Great solution. Lets not forgive this "sin" and instead lose followers instead.
id vote if i could ..
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