Friday, March 03, 2006

Palestinian filmmaker fears for Oscar after outcry

Palestinian filmmaker fears for Oscar after outcry

Yes...because after all it's all about being Politically Correct at the Oscars - wouldn't want to offend anyone/step on anyone's toes now would we?

Heaven forbid we get honest, heaven forbid we get real, heaven forbid we tell the 'true' other side of a painful story (that needs to be told), and heaven forbid the oscars be about anything but money, power - nope, talented people with a 'real' story need not apply...

I remember hearing something on NPR program yesterday, 'The World' about how a director who was trying to make the film 'TSOTI', about gangs in South Africa; he was told to use 'Hollywood' actors - he tried then he came to his senses and went back to Africa and used the 'real' people - in essence the people who truly belonged in the film - it's been nominated for 'Best Foreign Film'...

Whatever happened to the days when it was good to *not* sell your soul?


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