Friday, March 31, 2006

Photo shoots and appearances at fairs...

Last night's photo shoot was OK - I showed up to one of our satellite locations and had the clinical director paged (as I was told to do) and apparently she could not be bothered to come over and meet me. I waited then decided to let myself into the room where the shoot was going to take place. I was about to go get changed for the shoot when I received a call from the photographer who was waiting outside. He asked since it was a glorious day out was I 'tied to the idea' of shooting indoors? I decided I was not, (especially after having been snubbed), and told him to let me get changed and I'd be right out....

I walked outside into a wonderful, warm, early spring, late afternoon setting and we had our shoot on the 'grassy knoll' (LOL he kept calling it the 'grassy knoll' I really wanted to tease him about this but for some reason hesitated). I did the shoot sitting in Siddhasana (a basic seated posture) with my hands on my knees in Guyan Mudra hand position. I sat there while he checked the light and proceeded to sit through the shoot - the wind was beginning to come up and eventually my eyes began to water...but I think (hope) it went well. We finished up and he tanked me and I thanked him (and invited him to come to a class), then we went our separate ways...I will try to post the article when it comes out.

In the meantime, tomorrow I am going to be teaching the afternoon Yoga session HERE and you can see the poster immediately below. For those of you who are local and want a gander at me in action and have nothing better to do with your Saturday afternoon - come and see me. Otherwise I hope your weekend is amazing.


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