Sunday, April 02, 2006

Being a bitch in the 'blogosphere'

Meg, over at 'Divorcing Rick' is a lot like me - she states her opinion. Pretty bluntly.

Unfortunately I disagree with one of her 'rants' about how men are treated when it comes to being parents.

Gee Meg, under your version, I guess I AM a moron.

Every single dad I know who walked away from his family turned out to be a dead beat dad. Almost every one of them. Why? I don't know but I have seen countless friends and family members (women every single one of them) screwed over by these so-called fathers - whom you described as being screwed over in this country every time they turn around. I so totally disagree with your post that I don't even know where to start about the whole thing. For the record - I have always involved my fathers in their childrens' lives. And for the record I never got one penny from one of them - was he a deadbeat - you bet! Did I still want him in my daughter's life - you bet! And guess what, I turned out to be the 'bad guy' according to her for leaving him! How's about them apples? If you are a single mom you are screwed by society, by your own government and now by other women - yeah thanks we need all the support we can get.

I don't recall when I was pregnant, and decided to have an abortion that the guys involved were ever so particularly helpful, supportive, or interested, as long as they did not have to go through the pain, humiliation, sadness, and self-recriminations, or as I remember in one case paying for any of fact most of them were thrilled by not having to 'deal with it', and I don't remember a single conversation about 'well gee I WANT to raise this baby - which would have in turn opened up a dialogue. Nope they were mostly happy it was over but let me tell you they sure enjoyed fucking me.

I am sick of women especially thinking that men have it so bad when it comes to reproductive issues - they don't lady - WE do! I would have welcomed the help from my daughter's father - I did not go to court - I just quietly dealt with it. My sister however is owed $35,000 from her dead-beat ex and the lady he fucked before my sister is owed $50,000 from him - that's $85,000 this fucktard owes his children and you'd better believe my sister was threatened with legal action every single time she threatened to hold back visitation - so you wanna tell me who got screwed here???? My nephew and his 1/2 sister, that's who. NOT THE GUY MEG. And if you think this is isolated, think again. The courts basically force women to let their ex's see these kids but do they enforce child support - nope. They are overwhelmed by these cases. If you ask me the guys need to be castrated so they can't do this again and they don't deserve to parent kids when they refuse the responsibility of being a parent.

I'd have put this sort of comment on your blog but it seems you don't allow comments. Your choice and very smart of you I suppose - after all we (and when I say we I mean most of us blogging out here) don't really want to be attacked on our own blogs by 'unruly' commentators. So instead I'll just attack your post here. Cause I don't know what planet you're living on but the colour of the sky in mine is apparently very different from yours....

Lucky you, I guess you never had to deal with such awful crap from men...lucky you.


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