WPXI.com - Family - Police Find Family Heirloom Is Mummified Baby
WPXI.com - Family - Police Find Family Heirloom Is Mummified Baby
This was incredibly creepy and disturbing (if you got to CNN.com and check out the video feed, it's even moreso). I can just hear the conversation now:
Husband to wife on wedding night:
"Honey, I want to give you something as a gift that's been passed down for generations in our family..."
*rustling of tissue paper*
Screams can be heard for miles
This was incredibly creepy and disturbing (if you got to CNN.com and check out the video feed, it's even moreso). I can just hear the conversation now:
Husband to wife on wedding night:
"Honey, I want to give you something as a gift that's been passed down for generations in our family..."
*rustling of tissue paper*
Screams can be heard for miles
yes darlin' well you just smell as much as you like *wink*
Let me know if you do ocme up with a story - if it helps at all the video on CNN was even worse than what's shown in this link...
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