Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cleveland Ingenuity Festival

Cleveland Ingenuity Festival, concerts and art and technology and music events in Downtown Cleveland Ohio

Went to this today (during the day) - also saw my ex.
Both were all not that enjoyable. I should have tried to go in the evening to the festival instead. I am happy to see Cleveland having these types of events - I was glad to pay the $10 for the day pass to help support art, music and technology here in Cleveland. There WAS some pretty cool performance art and I got to see a wonderful modern dance company too.

As far as the 'human relation' goes...

Things between my ex and I are strained at best. There's simply too much water under the bridge. He is of the belief that somehow we are going to end up together. At one point in time, that may have been true (yeah OK so I was insane, sue me).

When our marriage ended, part of me hoped deep down that he would change, that he would get his life together, somehow rise above his illness, become the man I knew him capable of being...

...that was like 4 friggin years's simply NOT going to happen. He does nothing to make it happen.

No real stability, no real change, no counseling, no meds for his severe depression/bi-polar disorder/narcicisstic tendencies. NOTHING. And I am suppose to do what? Wait for this TO happen. I stopped doing that about 3 of those years ago.

I am not saying I wish ill on him; or that I want to see him suffer, or that I am not sad that he has the problems he has, but there comes a time where you simply have to move on, move past, just move for Goddess' sake.

I've had enough stagnation to last me a lifetime. I am tired of this game where he expects 'something' from me that I am no longer capable of giving. I want him to know that I will always care (truly) - but it's time for him to stop carrying around a fake torch - had his love been real, had he wanted to change in order to salvage anything with me - he surely would have by now.

Enough is enough.


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