Friday, August 18, 2006

NPR : Catholic Women Claim Ordination as Priests

NPR : Catholic Women Claim Ordination as Priests


If there is one thing I can point to that abso-fucking-lutely infuriates me about the Catholic Church - it is this - their stance on women's rights (whether it be the right to be a Priestess or the right to make decisions regarding their bodies)...

Oh I am so angry - but then I always have been about this....

If they only could appreciate that women would make good 'priests' that women are JUST AS HOLY AS MEN.



Blogger Larry007 said...

It's not a matter of holiness - it's a matter of tradition and church law. Holiness is an individual issue - the church has just chosen to keep as we have always been - it is not a comment about women though you can make it that way in your mind if you want to but that's your issue. This is not secular society and not the rule of local or national government.

Sure, other faiths have accepted women in certain positions - Budahaism, Protestant religions, etc. That's their decisions and choice according to rules. You're judging one group's practices by your standards even if it is a popular position among people you know.

12:54 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

You know what, I KNOW it's not a matter of holiness but I can not help but feel as a WOMAN who considers herself to BE HOLY/SACRED that I am being kept from somehting I have every right to be a part of and participate in - it makes me feel like the church considers me either a second class citizen or that somehow me not having a penis makes me a lesser congregant/less holy/less worthy.

Tradition sucks if it means discrimination - it's outdated, it's ridiculous and, it's not like men are beating a path to the doors to become priests.

The Catholic church NEEDS to step into the 21st century if they want to keep the life blood flowing - it's that simple.

While I can understand, appreciate and repect you position I totally disagree on all levels. It is simply time for a change in the church and it is long overdue.

I AM a Catholic (or at least I was born and raised one - this is WHY I left the church to begin with and it pains my heart that I left) - I am not going to agree with everything the church say - I never have, I never will and that IS allowed by our faith.

If I want to serve God in the capacity of the preisthood they should be honoured and accepting - not turn their collective backs - there is NOTHING wrong with women being priestesses NOTHING.

1:02 PM  

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