Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bygone Era

Last night over at Erin's we watched The Last Samurai (we had brought another movie 'home' to watch but let's not even go there...)

OK I am going to say right here - I can't stand Tom Cruise - he's well..umm...'nuff said.

However as my friend Jay used to say "Body of Work" yes indeed...

I hate to admit this. I enjoyed this movie. Master Watanabe was incredible and I am in love with him (note to Erin - he's on 'the list') - (note to you others - if you don't know what 'the list' is in terms of B/F - G/F - S/O 'pacts', you are too young to be reading this blog *winks*).

So yes I would recommend this movie - I cried and I laughed. (OK shut the hell up)

Tonight we will be going to see 'Loves Labours Lost' by Will Shakespeare.....should be fun - can't wait to see the parking lot attendant again



There's a lot going on inside my head and my heart right now...just don't know what to make of it all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise not so much... the movie Last Samurai? I was fairly impressed. Master Watanabe was amazing. What a stage presence.

11:22 PM  

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