Monday, September 25, 2006

Play, plays and played

Nice weekend.

Erin and I went to a play 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum' - it was a bit of a rough start only because there, in her glorious job as parking attendant (ticket-giver), was the 'Erin' that helped break up my marriage. I kept my eyes averted and silently fumed (just a wee bit - but mainly felt a lot of pity) - then we went on to enjoy the evening. I guess part of my ego felt good when my Erin said something to the affect of questioning him leaving me for her - and then of course the dolt that *I* am, I began defending HER. Jesus.

The performance was wonderful and funny and the troupe was superb and we get to see them again this Saturday in Will Shakespeare's 'Love's Labours Lost'

Afterwards was stupendous - you out did yourself my darling. *blush* Did *I* just type that?

Saturday was great too - his daughter was involved in a soccer tourney and it was wonderful seeing the girls play (they struggled but they really rallied too) - and watching him coach - every time I see him with children I fall in love all over again. His daughter asked me if I was going to 'sleep over' - lots of stammering on my part. Yes, I slept over - waking her up was sweet....all of my dealings with his children fill my heart with joy. They are wonderful kids. He's a wonderful dad.

Sunday left early - went home, did some laundry, took a nap (due to a migraine) got up to go watch his daughter play the last game in the tourney. Some woman came over to us and said she was going to get his daughter a pony-tail holder for her hair - I thanked her wondering why one of the other moms would offer such a thing and then I realised SHE WAS THE MOM - his daughter's mother. Oh my....

So at any rate when she came back and turned to me and said she did not have a hair holder I introduced myself. She was great - the whole thing was relaxed (well as relaxed as such a thing can be - seriously it went really well) - and I found myself liking her. Not sure how she felt. Not worried about it either. I plan to always remain feeling this way and being as kind as I possibly can be.

We then went home (sans his daughter) - and stopped at the store and decided to by clams to steam. Only neither one of us realised that you needed to soak them for up to 12 hours...we managed and had a hysterical time laughing and playing with each other.

Stayed the night - wasn't planning on it. Did not sleep well - off and on - fitful. Nice interlude at 4:30 AM - unexpected. Got dressed went to my home - on the drive there, I realised I had gotten a ticket from being parked on the street over night. Oops. I had also noticed some weird stuff on the back window of my car, by the time I got in to work this morning, I saw that someone had egged my car. Grrr! But it does not put a damper on the weekend at all. Life is like that you have to mix the joys with the downturns in order to maintain your balance.


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