Friday, February 16, 2007

Catholics attack NYC's free condoms

Catholics attack NYC's free condoms

Yeah OK....

This is why part of me despises the church's policies/stand on such things...

People simply aren't going to abstain. That's the REALITY Cardinal/Pope etc.

So isn't it better to protect from STDs and unwanted (heaven forbid pun intended) pregnancies?????



Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Since you got the Catholic comments going, you should catch up on QuestionableContent

2:00 PM  
Blogger Colette said...


Yeah...that was a good one.

It's going to take me a while to catch up on all the QuestionableContent I've missed...

2:21 PM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

Ok so I didnt read the article, nor did I have to, from your comment I can make plenty of a comment!

So what your trying to tell me, is that since these people are having un marital sex anyways, why dont we help them out so they dont end up with some deadly disease, or end up having a child... due to their own stupidity? Give me a break, thats like saying, hey well there is going to be sex pedifiales in the world, why dont we just give them our children when they ask for them, instead of making them have to steal them?! ( yes thts an extreme version, but still very true)
If you are going to go out and have sex when you are not married ( or if your married, and not with your spouse) then I have to say you need to take responsibilty for your actions. You are the one who chooses to say yes, you are the one who chose to lie in that bed, now you have to take care of that choice! I refuse to feel pity for anyone out there whos having sex when they arent suppose to be! Its like saying well I dono the guy shoot his neighbor, but he wasent thinking about the out come from him pulling that trigger, so we will let him go free! Sorry, you pull that trigger you take a chance of somone dieing!!! You have sex without being married, you in turn take a chance of geting some kind of disease, or becoming with child! Yes it really is that easy!
I once saw this saying:" God has a word for safe sex, MARRIAGE"!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Country Squire said...

This is great! A true family moment brought to you via the Internet.

Don't you just love Al Gore?

8:11 PM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

Im so confused, whats Al Gore got to do with this???

11:23 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

My dear daughter....

Look. I don't want to come off as a bitch. Let's get something straight OK - this is MY blog - not yours.

You want to rant about people not doing the right CHRISTIAN thing by YOUR standards - do it on YOUR blog - not mine. PERIOD.

The truth is that people are going to have sex OUTSIDE of marriage.

While you may be right in stating that it's not the responsiblity of the city of NY or it's citizens to pay for people having unprotected sex, the stance of the Catholic Church (which is what I was ranting about to begin with), is ridiculous - as is anyone else who thinks people are not going to engage in sex before or outside of 'conventional' marriage.

In my estimation, if the city of NY would rather pay now than pay bigger later - well there is nothing wrong with that - not at all - if you ask me that's not a bad idea.

I agree that people need to take personal responsibility - but the sad truth Rissa is that they don't - pure and simple. So to me social programs like this are important - even if they aren't to the liking of the Christian right.

What your uncle was talking about was Al Gore's supposed 'invention' of the Internet - also a ludicrous assumption by Mr. Gore - but go figure...

8:17 AM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

" My dear Mother"

I don’t wish to come off as, well as a know it all, but last time I checked you are the one who created a blog where you can write about your fantasy world you call "life" and as part of this blog of yours you had the option to allow your "friends", or anyone who see's it fit to annoy you from any where in this world, to comment on your little blog world. So if you don't like this option I would recommend you, I dono maybe disabling it? And aren’t you the one who wants to not sensor the Internet? You cant not sensor bits and pieces of it, that wouldn’t then be un sneered, would it? So in reality you can't decide what I can or can not write. Welcome to the world of the Internet, you don’t get your way all the time. Isn’t it great?!

Furthermore, I’m sorta curious as to why if YOU don’t believe, agree, and or like
this catholic religion and their decisions, then please tell me why it is YOU of all people have agreed to marry in this same church? The woman I grew up with, wouldn’t do something so drastic as to marry in a church she has not on disagreed with but truly had an almost hatred for since she was a child, just to please some guy! And on top of all of that, you by marrying this man, are also agreeing to help raise these children in that same church… I'm very confused by all of this. I mean be truthful here, if it weren’t for this lover of yours, you wouldn’t still be going to mass every Sunday, would you? But hey if you wish to live in some kind of fantasy world, fine by me, it is your life. I just would think about it a little before your bubble pops, cause as the story goes, it wont be a honeymoon forever.

And lastly, Sorry but the sad truth of the matter is, people are sinners, that doesn’t make it ok, or right. Infact due to that same sin, they will in turn die, that is why there’s death and suffering, so why let them off the hook? All that causes is for them to sin even more, since they obviously didn’t learn from the first one! I mean just look at the facts here, The more people started having sex out of the marriage, the more people then had as they like to call it un wanted pregnancies and diseases, so then to help prevent these things they now have abortions regularly, but at the same time now AIDS is more and more common. So from what I have gathered is the more sin there is, the more that sin gets judged, no matter what us sinners try to do to “fix” the out come of the sin. So all in all, condoms aren’t the answer! Nor will it actually help, if condoms did their job, we then in turn wouldn’t have to have abortions, would we mom? So even if I thought it was ok (which I strongly do not) to have sex out of marriage, I still don’t think its anyone job to provide protection, since people obviously either don’t use it or don’t use it properly, since the abortion rates are soo high!

11:12 AM  
Blogger Colette said...


For your information and for further reference as stated previously.


It is in EXTREMELY BAD FORM to go on someone's blog and tear them to pieces on THEIR OWN BLOG - it's simply rude my dear - very rude.

Which means - since you don't seem to understand such things. That this is MY HOME ON THE INTERNET.
I don't come into your home and ram my opinions down your throat nor to I belittle you...

Therefore, while I will tolerate some opinions - I do not/and WILL NOT tolerate snotty comments or YOUR ranting fundamentalist Christian crap. You and I have to agree to disagree - I will simply never agree with your stance PERIOD - so save your little fingers from so much typing, OK.

Once again you have YOUR own blog to do that on - so it's simple - go rant on your space not mine - see how that works?

Now I am sorry to be so harsh but I am sick of your snottiness and intolerance.

That being said....

I don't answer to you - I never have, I never will. Whle I DO attend the Catholic church - and NOT just because of Erin - I am not a sheep and I don't have to agree with every friggin' edict of the church nor would I. I reserve the right to my own judgment and ability to think for myself - something I suggest highly to ALL young women including you. It's called not being a sheep, Marissa...

While I realise that paying for certain social services give some people 'pause' (go figure they are usually Christians who don't like certain 'social' programs) - no offense but too bad - it's better to prevent disease AND unwanted pregnancy than to continue to ignore the problems and if the city is willing to help so be it...kind of like people having too many children and then expecting the state/government to help them out cause they can't (or WON'T) practice the use of birth control - seems to me this is the pot calling the kettle black.

For the record - I find you to be very judgmental and intolerant as a Christian and I think you might want to take a step down off of that high and mighty Christian soap box of yours and stop judging others so harshly when you don't know them OR their own PERSONAL situation - last time I checked Marissa you weren't MY personal savior or anyone elses'- nor are YOO without sin - none of us are, right? So being judgmental isn't always such a nice thing to do if you are supposedly a Christian - you should leave that to God - especially when I can guarantee you that most situations are NOT gonig to fit into your nice neat little biblical scenario - in fact most of us don't believe every word of the bible literally - it's fine if you do - but you DO NOT get to ram your beliefs down ANYONE'S throat including your own mother - and honoring your parents is in the bible too, isn't it? I fail to see how your snotty comments are honoring me. Just because you disagree with me does not give you the right to judge me, my dear daughter.

So for the last time - like I said we are NEVER, EVER going to see eye to eye on such things - enough - you have your blog to rant on - have at it.

Love you

2:54 PM  

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