Wednesday, May 23, 2007

'The eyes are the light of the soul....'


So today was my pre-op visit for my upcoming eye surgery.

For starters, I am one of the youngest people to have ever been diagnosed with glaucoma (I guess that's what you get when you quit marijuana - just kidding...) anyhow the reason I know this - other than my eye doctor's shcok at my diagnosis - was because when I went to have the surgery done for my other eye - old women kept coming up to me asking me what I 'was doing there....I was too young to be having such a surgery'.

The surgery that will be performed on me is called a Trabeculectomy. Usually, conventional surgery or filtering microsurgery is used when management of glaucoma through medication and laser surgery has failed or is less desirable. Trabeculectomy is most commonly used to prevent or curtail damage to the optic nerve by reducing intraocular pressure. In this procedure, a small incision is made in the sclera of the eye, and a flap of tissue is left to cover the incision, allowing slow release of fluid from the inside the eye to its outer layers. The procedure results in the formation of a small blister-like bump called a “bleb.” The bleb is covered by the eyelid and is usually not visible. The excess fluid is carried away as it is absorbed into the bloodstream.


I had this surgery scheduled quite a while back, however, at the time I was going through some serious infections-like problems (you can go back in the blog - there was actually a cancer scare at that time for me...).

Today when I went in to be seen - the woman at the pre-op interview did not have my name correct at all - nor did she know when my surgery was....she sent me down for my 'pre-op testing'.

At pre-op testing, one is suppose to have an EKG and blood work. None of this was done for me. The nurse seeing me did not know why. She also had the wrong date for my surgery. I finally met with the doctor who was suppose to be overseeing my visit. He talked with me - he was a very kind and intelligent older man. He listened to my heart - told me my blood pressure and weight were excellent (YAY!) and I explained what happened to me last time and asked why neither an EKG or blood work were scheduled for me. He assured me I would be fine - he siad I was a very healthy woman and unless I begin to feel ill there is no reason for me to be concerned and I should do just fine for the surgery.

Then back upstairs to the eye doctor for my 'outcome' visit - now the name of this visit is rather confusing because one would think that 'outcome' represents the aftermath of the event - but not in this case....

At any rate I was roomed by the nurse who then began grilling me about why I did not have my chart. She ended up hunting down my chart. Talked with me briefly, made me read and eye chart (don't ask me why I wasnt' there for an eye exam), and then informed me I was not even seeing the doctor - so the entire visit was a waste of my time....

The good thing that came of this was that I got to put down Erin as my emergency contact and got rid of my ex's info in the system - Lord knows I don't want them calling him....

Also I was very happy to see I am maintaining my weight and that my blood pressure and health seemed in good standing.

Now to have the eye surgery so I can walk around looking like a 'borg' (cause of the freaky metal eye patch thingy), and then look like someone punched me in the, fun, fun....

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Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

Ok, So first I make you old by giving you 4 grand babies, now your eyes are making you old, cause you have to have a surgery that only OLD woman have... this is entirely way to funny!! I cant wait till i get old!

That would be sooo funny, they call your "ex" aka WB up to tell him the good news that your surgery went well, hed start sobbing .. ok now im just being mean, but i think you shoulda kept him as your contact, it woulda been a funny, yet mean pay back, rofl, ok ill stop!

11:02 AM  

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