Monday, December 10, 2007


Cause things seem so out of place/out of sorts right now...

Just a jumble of thoughts and feelings in my head.

Wondering where the hell certain things in my life went - I did not take them for granted - for if I had I would not be missing them I guess...or so that's to going theory.

I have to wonder why I am wistful about looking at jobs in places like NYC or having an apartment in Paris to be an ex-pat/writer...

I just wonder...

Oh yeah and why a certain idiot keeps visiting the lurking or something...WTF?

Whatever, carry on....

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Blogger Erin Garlock said...

I love you and I'm here to talk whenever you want. I love when we share our dreams and aspirations. I'd love for some of them to come true for you. I know some of mine have since we started seeing one another.

5:04 PM  

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