Sunday, December 09, 2007

Life....and living....

I look back over all that has happened in the past year.

I have fallen more deeply in love than I ever thought possible. I have had the pleasure of getting to know 2 amazing children and am privileged to have them as a part of my life now. I have strengthened my faith. I have grown closer to my family (siblings and children). I have had some great times with friends and know that I yearn to be with them more. I have watched my Yoga 'work' slowly, steadily decline. I have had to pay dearly for being a 'writer' here and for being honest, and subsequently have lost my job. (Freedom of speech is a myth kids)....


I have been asked to teach at a new growing Yoga studio working with a man who really wants the business to succeed.

I have had some promising leads on the job front.

Today. We put of the Christmas tree at Erin's house - it was bitter-sweet for me cause I missed my son and my daughter. I have had some really close moments with Erin this weekend..and I feel like a part of this family.

The Christmas shopping has commenced and I am trying to buy things for my family and my love on a very, very limited basis and I feel terrible about this because one of my greatest joys at this time of the year is to give gifts.

I will be baking cookies next weekend with my sister, my niece, Erin and hopefully his children.

I may even have time around the Christmas holiday 'off' for the first time in years...a mixed blessing.

I am so looking forward to the coming year and growing even closer to Erin and building our love and our commitment to each other - culminating in a wedding ceremony with friends and family, (and honeymoon) this summer.

I feel a lot of emotions - a bit of fear, joy, contentment, excitement, and hope.

Life is good.

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Blogger Liam said...

It sounds like you have achieved a good mental balance with all this. Yes, there are some bad things still going on, but the good SO FAR outweighs it. Keep up that attitude and nothing can defeat you!

8:26 AM  
Blogger Erin Garlock said...

Life ebbs and flows, and I'm glad for it. I believe that if it was always good we'd never be content, if it was always bad we'd totally despair.

I am extremely glad to have you in my life. We have low points and life's problems to overcome, but I really wouldn't change any of it. Though I do wish I could do something so you didn't or didn't have to miss your kids.hwfmu

4:00 PM  

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