Friday, February 29, 2008

A crisis of faith....

My choice for the Democratic primary is . . . - Regina Brett -

I have been struggling myself with the same issues Ms. Brett brings up in her column.

Should I as a woman vote for a woman? Someone's mom. Am I being a 'traitor' by not doing so?

This will be the first time a woman has ever been on the ballot in the history of this country for the job of president of the United States.

And you'd think I'd actually admire her 'bitchiness' as I myself believe that it's unfair to call a woman bitchy when all she is actually being in fact is aggressive....

But...there's just something about Mrs. Clinton that does not set well with me....I can't put my finger on it - except to say that she sounds just like an old polished, political crony and that's not what I want for this country anymore...

So the struggle continues...within....and I can't really call it a crisis in faith when I've never really had much faith in this country to begin with...


Blogger Ken Summers said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

The problem with politics is that you're forced to vote for a politician. And they all seem to be cut from the same cloth. Personally, I think the best, most refreshing candidate to appear in the past decade was Howard Dean. But he was unpopular. Therefore, he lost.

I've already voted absentee, so I made my choice. Which is best? And what do people think of you for your choice? If you vote Hillary, you could be a racist. If you vote Obama, you could be sexist. If you vote Stephen Colbert, it doesn't matter or count.

I have issues with both candidates. Disagree on many points. It's always "the better of two evils" in campaigns.

And it doesn't help being un-American. Sounds like we both need to fly out of this chicken coop! LOL

2:02 PM  
Blogger Erin Garlock said...

So, Regina is voting purely on some aesthetic, or idealized image for a poster?

I found it interesting that she mentions seeing a future poster where one of the pictures is like half the people of the world. Forget envisioning a picture where one of the pictures is different for other reasons. I guess the positive point is that perhaps this is indicative that we are finally getting past noticing someone's color.

2:39 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

Actually, this article brought tears to my eyes and that's why I had to post this...

I started to have a bit of a 'crisis' in terms of my philosopy - and I had to take a good hard look at WHY I'd feel that way about voting for a woman.

I don't want to sound sexist - but yes, the fact that there is even a woman who may possible BE the next president of the US of A is very emotional for me..

2:52 PM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

if hillary makes it in the white house, i will seriously want to run far far far away form America, but then when you think about it the only other place to go would be some third world country.. so im stuck with the lunny lady.. and I hate it every time a woman decided to do as a man would do by talking straight forward, she seems to be leading on as " pms" or being upset, or on and on yet if a man does it, its ok...

and no i will not be voting for the woman, or the muslim, i will be voting for my freedom :) even if he wont get in, I cant go vote for someone just cause they may not get as far as the leading puppets.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Colette said...


Yeah OK....

You are a woman - she's not an object my dear. And he's a person - he's not his may not agree or even think the same way I do (which is fine) - but that sounded so very prejudiced and I know you weren't raised that way.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

No, you right I wasent raised that way.. let me correct myself

I will not be voting for ppl that are only trying to get into the white house to up their own status as being the first woman or the first black man.. or even better i will not be voting for someone who will only work as yet another puppet for this dumb Game that The Big Bank wishes to play...

Yeah I was raised to be blunt and straight forward , sorry about beating around the bush before :)

8:22 PM  
Blogger Colette said...

Again my dear you are entitled - you always have been - to your own opinion - and to jump into the fray on here- however, I don't feel your opinion is truly yours but something that's been 'fed' to you - just how much research have YOU done? YOU YOURSELF? Or do you let men do that for you?

As far as Obama goes - he's not part of the typical military-political crony pack which you seem to be referring too, he's not been playing 'the game' long enough to be with the 'in crowd' - which is why he seems to be appealing to the youth and people yearning for change. Which means he will probably win. And he's not 100% black Rissa...nor do I believe he is running just to win as the first man of colour in office - I dare say the same for Hillary (on the 'woman running for the status' statement you made) - since I find her to be way more 'man' than woman which is actually a good thing if you stop and think about what she is going to have to face.

Now-a-days, there are many women leaders of other countries and being a woman leader is becoming more and more accepted (as it should be).

I think what this country (meaning the US) needs, is a viable Independent party and an Independent candidate and (unfortunately for you I suppose), that ISN'T Ron Paul.

9:26 PM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

ha, I am not gunna argue, cause its pointless on so many levels... But I do have to say I do plenty of research on my own n plenty of different things... I do stay at home all day, I have to fill my stressed time with something, So no I am not spoon Fed so many things as you assume, and even the things that men may tell me in my life, I dont just assume as true, I had to learn growing up not everything I was told was true... So I apply that to the life I now live as well.

I think Ron Paul is one of the only chances of America staying America, the other are going to change America into something else, something our Fathers did NOT fight for, and in my own eyes and thoughts, we are going to be losing more and more of our freedom due to the fears that these ppl will put into our heads.
but again I have no desire to argue, due to the fact that it wont do or help anything, like you said the Obama guy is probably gunna win. or even Hillary, so theres no point on going on and on about it, the only way things will change is if the Americans wake up and realize what they are being spoon fed :)

9:05 AM  
Blogger Colette said...

First of all I was not trying to argue nor insult you - you are my daughter.

And perhaps you have done reasearch but you don't site anything - making statements blindly does not win arguments.

As I said (in somewhat of an agreement with you) - this country needs change in the form of other viable candidates BESIDES democrats and republicans - cause I think we both know (and agree) that just isn't wokring anymore in this country. HOwever in order for that to happen there has to be a viable candidate and there simply isn't - I sure hope there will be in my lifetime (and yours)...

10:22 AM  
Blogger Required field must not be blank said...

yeah me too! I hope at least as far as Ron Paul did do was help to awaken America a little, since he did bring a little bit of a diffrence to the Republican party, and stated alot of important things that most ppl were to scared to touch.. but your right, America needs to wake up and do something so we can chance, and I really hope that does happen in my life time!

11:47 AM  

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