Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Longer than...(continued)...

{This is a letter I receive from Erin last evening (it was in my e-mail box this morning) - I believe after reading this you will all understand why I am so madly in love with this wonderful man....}

"My Dearest C~,

Longer than I've been listening to "Longer Than", I've never known all the words. Thank you for the video (with included lyrics). I would love to play this at our wedding. What do you think about having it for our first dance together?

Longer than you ever knew I was in love with you. I didn't have a name for it on our first date, and I want to make sure it was more than simple infatuation and being with someone new who seemed to really care.

Longer than I wanted to wait, I wanted to kiss you. I remember holding your hands, lying on the floor, and exchanging our first "I love you".

Longer than the slow advance of glaciers, my soul wanted to be married with you. The church process made things painful at times, and just the general preparations and timing of things is hard on me at times waiting, but I can't think of anything else that I would so willingly wait for than to be with you.

Longer than any list I have made for you, you offer me more than you realize. The things you do for me, the love you send my way, and the mysteries of yourself that you reveal to me, I feel are all but a trifle of who you are and what you have yet revealed.

Longer than the infinite heavens, I want to be the best husband for you.

Longer than, everything, I'll be in love with you.

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