Saturday, April 05, 2008

Lost weekend...

(yeah I wish...)

Anyhow, Erin is away at the Men's renewal this weekend. I helped to write letters (for the men and got letters written to Erin as well), and last night, I went with him to help set-up (although there was not much set up involved).

What was wonderful was that despite some of the stresses we've been under lately, we did this together and willingly. Last night I think was very special to us both. I love this man with all my heart and I want to partner with him through life....

Today I got up for a little while to be with him this morning - but then retired back to bed (it was 6:30AM) - I slept until noon (*GASP* - shut the hell up!) - but mainly to try to get rid of this headache.

Today I plan on playing as much as I can....doing some shopping, going out tonight with the boys (Liam, Chris, and Ken and assorted others) and dancing.

Tomorrow, Erin is home and will be leaving to go out of town again Monday morning and I will miss him something fierce. When he gets back we will finish up prep for our wedding together. I will look forward to working with him on our wedding.

I love you, Erin - I am so glad I get to be your wife.



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