Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just a reminder to Erin

(This is a little bit from a very long post from after I first met Erin and was first falling in love and terrified...I wanted to remember how this post ended...he never commented - but I wanted him to see this and be reminded of how I feel....)

I love this man with all my heart/body/mind/soul. I love him more than I think I’ve loved anyone in years. This IS hands down the most healthy relationship I’ve had (to this point in my life). I don’t want to go anywhere if it means leaving him. I want him in my life. I want him by my side. I want to be by his side. I want to be his help-mate, his partner, his refuge from the weary world (well with God’s help). I want to grow old with him (well older LOL). I want to be around him, learn with him, and discover new possibilities and worlds with him. I want to be around his children – I want to be a part of their lives (if that’s OK with him and their mom too). I want to make mad passionate love with/to him (forever), I want to wake up in the morning and see him smiling down at me, and make love again. I want to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with him. I want to have holidays/anniversaries with him, I want to travel with him, I actually want to make plans and dream with him….and if I am lucky, he might want to do all of this with me…



Blogger Erin Garlock said...

My Dearest Colleen,
I remember that post. I'm surprised that I did not comment on it in the past, but I Will do so now.

Past response (if I had commented):
Colleen, I would love very much to do all those things that you have stated you would like. My ex doesn't get a vote on this matter. I am looking forward to spending my time with you and traveling through this journey called life.

Current Response:
Colleen, I have loved very much doing all those things that you have stated you would like. My ex didn't get a vote on this matter. I am looking forward to spending my time with you and traveling through this journey called life. I am more passionate today about our relationship that I was back then. I means more to mean now, and continues to do so every day my Love.

I love you very much.

10:04 PM  

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